PS Lee, Head and Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, ASME Fellow
PS Lee, Head and Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, ASME Fellow
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Cited by
Investigation of heat transfer in rectangular microchannels
PS Lee, SV Garimella, D Liu
International journal of heat and mass transfer 48 (9), 1688-1704, 2005
An active cooling system for photovoltaic modules
HG Teo, PS Lee, MNA Hawlader
applied energy 90 (1), 309-315, 2012
Fluid flow and heat transfer in wavy microchannels
Y Sui, CJ Teo, PS Lee, YT Chew, C Shu
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 53 (13-14), 2760-2772, 2010
Thermally developing flow and heat transfer in rectangular microchannels of different aspect ratios
PS Lee, SV Garimella
International journal of heat and mass transfer 49 (17-18), 3060-3067, 2006
Ultra-thin minichannel LCP for EV battery thermal management
LW Jin, PS Lee, XX Kong, Y Fan, SK Chou
Applied energy 113, 1786-1794, 2014
An experimental study of flow friction and heat transfer in wavy microchannels with rectangular cross section
Y Sui, PS Lee, CJ Teo
International journal of thermal sciences 50 (12), 2473-2482, 2011
Saturated flow boiling heat transfer and pressure drop in silicon microchannel arrays
PS Lee, SV Garimella
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51 (3-4), 789-806, 2008
Experimental investigation of the performance and emission characteristics of direct injection diesel engine by water emulsion diesel under varying engine load condition
MEA Fahd, Y Wenming, PS Lee, SK Chou, CR Yap
Applied Energy 102, 1042-1049, 2013
Enhanced thermal transport in microchannel using oblique fins
YJ Lee, PS Lee, SK Chou
Fluid flow and heat transfer investigations on enhanced microchannel heat sink using oblique fins with parametric study
YJ Lee, PK Singh, PS Lee
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 81, 325-336, 2015
Combustion performance and emission characteristics study of pine oil in a diesel engine
R Vallinayagam, S Vedharaj, WM Yang, PS Lee, KJE Chua, SK Chou
Energy 57, 344-351, 2013
Prediction of the onset of nucleate boiling in microchannel flow
D Liu, PS Lee, SV Garimella
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 48 (25-26), 5134-5149, 2005
Experimental investigations of flow boiling heat transfer and pressure drop in straight and expanding microchannels–a comparative study
K Balasubramanian, PS Lee, LW Jin, SK Chou, CJ Teo, S Gao
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 50 (12), 2413-2421, 2011
Direct numerical simulation of fluid flow and heat transfer in periodic wavy channels with rectangular cross-sections
Y Sui, CJ Teo, PS Lee
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (1-3), 73-88, 2012
Experimental and numerical investigation of a mini channel forced air heat sink designed by topology optimization
S Zeng, B Kanargi, PS Lee
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 121, 663-679, 2018
Pine oil–biodiesel blends: A double biofuel strategy to completely eliminate the use of diesel in a diesel engine
R Vallinayagam, S Vedharaj, WM Yang, PS Lee, KJE Chua, SK Chou
Applied Energy 130, 466-473, 2014
A comparative study of experimental flow boiling heat transfer and pressure characteristics in straight-and oblique-finned microchannels
M Law, PS Lee
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 85, 797-810, 2015
Developing forced convection in converging–diverging microchannels
H Ghaedamini, PS Lee, CJ Teo
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 65, 491-499, 2013
Experimental investigation of flow boiling heat transfer in novel oblique-finned microchannels
M Law, PS Lee, K Balasubramanian
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 76, 419-431, 2014
Investigation of fluid flow and heat transfer in wavy micro-channels with alternating secondary branches
ZL Chiam, PS Lee, PK Singh, N Mou
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 101, 1316-1330, 2016
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Articles 1–20