Elizabeth Bjarnason
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Cited by
A case study on benefits and side-effects of agile practices in large-scale requirements engineering
E Bjarnason, K Wnuk, B Regnell
proceedings of the 1st workshop on agile requirements engineering, 1-5, 2011
Requirements are slipping through the gaps—A case study on causes & effects of communication gaps in large-scale software development
E Bjarnason, K Wnuk, B Regnell
2011 IEEE 19th international requirements engineering conference, 37-46, 2011
Challenges and practices in aligning requirements with verification and validation: a case study of six companies
E Bjarnason, P Runeson, M Borg, M Unterkalmsteiner, E Engström, ...
Empirical software engineering 19, 1809-1855, 2014
A multi-case study of agile requirements engineering and the use of test cases as requirements
E Bjarnason, M Unterkalmsteiner, M Borg, E Engström
Information and Software Technology 77, 61-79, 2016
Are you biting off more than you can chew? A case study on causes and effects of overscoping in large-scale software engineering
E Bjarnason, K Wnuk, B Regnell
Information and Software Technology 54 (10), 1107-1124, 2012
A machine learning approach for semi-automated search and selection in literature studies
R Ros, E Bjarnason, P Runeson
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Evaluation and …, 2017
A theory of distances in software engineering
E Bjarnason, K Smolander, E Engström, P Runeson
Information and Software Technology 70, 204-219, 2016
The role of distances in requirements communication: a case study
E Bjarnason, H Sharp
Requirements Engineering 22, 1-26, 2017
Using a visual abstract as a lens for communicating and promoting design science research in software engineering
MA Storey, E Engstrom, M Höst, P Runeson, E Bjarnason
2017 ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and …, 2017
Levels of exploration in exploratory testing: From freestyle to fully scripted
AN Ghazi, K Petersen, E Bjarnason, P Runeson
IEEE Access 6, 26416-26423, 2018
SERP-test: a taxonomy for supporting industry–academia communication
E Engström, K Petersen, NB Ali, E Bjarnason
Software Quality Journal 25, 1269-1305, 2017
Overscoping: Reasons and consequences—A case study on decision making in software product management
E Bjarnason, K Wnuk, B Regnell
2010 Fourth International Workshop on Software Product Management, 30-39, 2010
An industrial case study on test cases as requirements
E Bjarnason, M Unterkalmsteiner, E Engström, M Borg
Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming: 16th …, 2015
Evidence-based timelines for agile project Retrospectives–A method proposal
E Bjarnason, B Regnell
Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming: 13th …, 2012
Inter-team communication in large-scale co-located software engineering: a case study
E Bjarnason, B Gislason Bern, L Svedberg
Empirical Software Engineering 27 (2), 36, 2022
Distances between requirements engineering and later software development activities: a systematic map
E Bjarnason
Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality: 19th …, 2013
Applab: a laboratory for application languages
E Bjarnason
Nordic Workshop on Programming Environment Research, Aalborg. Technical …, 1996
Including human factors and ergonomics in requirements engineering for digital work environments
E Håkansson, E Bjarnason
2020 IEEE First International Workshop on Requirements Engineering for Well …, 2020
Reflecting on evidence-based timelines
E Bjarnason, A Hess, RB Svensson, B Regnell, J Doerr
IEEE software 31 (4), 37-43, 2014
Alignment practices affect distances in software development: a theory and a model
E Bjarnason, K Smolander, E Engström, P Runeson
Proceedings of the 3rd SEMAT Workshop on General Theories of Software …, 2014
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Articles 1–20