Rebecca Wellard
Rebecca Wellard
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Killer Whale (Orcinus orca) Predation on Beaked Whales (Mesoplodon spp.) in the Bremer Sub-Basin, Western Australia
R Wellard, K Lightbody, L Fouda, M Blewitt, D Riggs, C Erbe
PloS one 11 (12), e0166670, 2016
Vocalisations of killer whales (Orcinus orca) in the Bremer Canyon, Western Australia
R Wellard, C Erbe, L Fouda, M Blewitt
PloS one 10 (9), e0136535, 2015
The first three records of killer whales (Orcinus orca) killing and eating blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus).
JA Totterdell, R Wellard, IM Reeves, B Elsdon, P Markovic, M Yoshida, ...
Marine Mammal Science 38 (3), 2022
Cold call: the acoustic repertoire of Ross Sea killer whales (Orcinus orca, Type C) in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica
R Wellard, RL Pitman, J Durban, C Erbe
Royal Society Open Science 7, 2020
Australian long-finned pilot whales (Globicephala melas) emit stereotypical, variable, biphonic, multi-component, and sequenced vocalisations, similar to those …
R Courts, C Erbe, R Wellard, O Boisseau, KC Jenner, MN Jenner
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 20609, 2020
A deep learning approach to photo–identification demonstrates high performance on two dozen cetacean species
PT Patton, T Cheeseman, K Abe, T Yamaguchi, W Reade, K Southerland, ...
Methods in ecology and evolution 14 (10), 2611-2625, 2023
Seasonal productivity drives aggregations of killer whales and other cetaceans over submarine canyons of the Bremer Sub-Basin, south-western Australia
CS Kent, P Bouchet, R Wellard, I Parnum, L Fouda, C Erbe
Australian Mammalogy 43 (2), 168-178, 2020
Population genomic structure of killer whales (Orcinus orca) in Australian and New Zealand waters
IM Reeves, JA Totterdell, A Barceló, J Sandoval‐Castillo, KC Batley, ...
Marine Mammal Science 38 (1), 151-174, 2022
Long in the tooth: Biological observations from at-sea sightings of strap-toothed beaked whales (Mesoplodon layardii)
RL Pitman, J Totterdell, R Wellard, P Cullen, M de Boer
Killer whales of the Bremer Sub-Basin: a photo-ID catalogue
R Wellard, C Erbe
Project ORCA and Centre for Marine Science and Technology, Curtin University …, 2017
Enigmatic megafauna: type D killer whale in the Southern Ocean
RL Pitman, LT Ballance, M Sironi, J Totterdell, JR Towers, R Wellard
“Type D” killer whale genomes reveal long-term small population size and low genetic diversity
AD Foote, A Alexander, LT Ballance, R Constantine, ...
Journal of Heredity 114 (2), 94-109, 2023
Bremer Canyon Emerging Priorities Project EP2: Final Report
PJ Bouchet, J Meeuwig, C Erbe, CP Salgado Kent, R Wellard, ...
National Environmental Science Programme, Marine Biodiversity Hub …, 2018
Vocal repertoire, social structure and feeding preferences of Australian and Antarctic killer whales (Orcinus orca)
R Wellard
Curtin University, 2018
Ancestry testing of “Old Tom,” a killer whale central to mutualistic interactions with human whalers
IM Reeves, JA Totterdell, EL Betty, DM Donnelly, A George, S Holmes, ...
Journal of Heredity 114 (6), 598-611, 2023
Antarctic type C killer whale (Orcinus orca) call repertoire from McMurdo Sound, Ross Sea
R Wellard, R Pitman, J Durban, C Erbe
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 144 (3_Supplement), 1978-1978, 2018
Bremer Canyon emerging priorities project EP2: final report: Occurrence and distribution of marine wildlife in the Bremer Bay region
P Bouchet, J Meeuwig, C Erbe, R Wellard, C Pattiaratchi, C Salgado-Kent
The University of Western Australia, 2018
Whistle characteristics of newly defined species, the Burrunan dolphin (Tursiops australis), in coastal Victorian waters in Australia
R Wellard, K Charlton-Robb, C Erbe, B Wong
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 140 (4_Supplement), 3416-3416, 2016
Is synthetic aperture an essential tool for echoic shape recognition in dolphins?
M Hoffmann-Kuhnt, M Chitre, R Wellard, J Lee, G Abel, K Yeo, JL Chew
OCEANS'11 MTS/IEEE KONA, 1-7, 2011
Optimizing automated photo identification for population assessments
PT Patton, K Pacifici, RW Baird, EM Oleson, JB Allen, E Ashe, A Athayde, ...
Conservation Biology, e14436, 2025
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Articles 1–20