Dr Bernie McConnell
Dr Bernie McConnell
Senior Research Fellow
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Cited by
Estimating space‐use and habitat preference from wildlife telemetry data
G Aarts, M MacKenzie, B McConnell, M Fedak, J Matthiopoulos
Ecography 31 (1), 140-160, 2008
Foraging ecology of southern elephant seals in relation to the bathymetry and productivity of the Southern Ocean
BJ McConnell, C Chambers, MA Fedak
Antarctic science 4 (4), 393-398, 1992
Assessment of Argos location accuracy from satellite tags deployed on captive gray seals
C Vincent, BJ Mcconnell, V Ridoux, MA Fedak
Marine Mammal Science 18 (1), 156-166, 2002
Predicting global killer whale population collapse from PCB pollution
JP Desforges, A Hall, B McConnell, A Rosing-Asvid, JL Barber, ...
Science 361 (6409), 1373-1376, 2018
A general discrete‐time modeling framework for animal movement using multistate random walks
BT McClintock, R King, L Thomas, J Matthiopoulos, BJ McConnell, ...
Ecological Monographs 82 (3), 335-349, 2012
Movements and foraging areas of grey seals in the North Sea
BJ Mcconnell, MA Fedak, P Lovell, PS Hammond
Journal of Applied Ecology 36 (4), 573-590, 1999
Seasonal and sex-related variation in the activity patterns of common seals (Phoca vitulina)
PM Thompson, MA Fedak, BJ McConnell, KS Nicholas
Journal of Applied Ecology, 521-535, 1989
Overcoming the constraints of long range radio telemetry from animals: getting more useful data from smaller packages
M Fedak, P Lovell, B McConnell, C Hunter
Integrative and Comparative Biology 42 (1), 3-10, 2002
Comparative distribution, movements and diet of harbour and grey seals from Moray Firth, NE Scotland
PM Thompson, BJ Mcconnell, DJ Tollit, A Mackay, C Hunter, PA Racey
Journal of Applied Ecology, 1572-1584, 1996
Blubber and buoyancy: monitoring the body condition of free-ranging seals using simple dive characteristics
M Biuw, B McConnell, CJA Bradshaw, H Burton, M Fedak
Journal of Experimental Biology 206 (19), 3405-3423, 2003
Marine mammals trace anthropogenic structures at sea
DJF Russell, SMJM Brasseur, D Thompson, GD Hastie, VM Janik, G Aarts, ...
Current Biology 24 (14), R638-R639, 2014
Individual-based model framework to assess population consequences of polychlorinated biphenyl exposure in bottlenose dolphins
AJ Hall, BJ McConnell, TK Rowles, A Aguilar, A Borrell, L Schwacke, ...
Environmental Health Perspectives 114 (Suppl 1), 60-64, 2006
Movements of southern elephant seals
BJ McConnell, MA Fedak
Canadian Journal of Zoology 74 (8), 1485-1496, 1996
Satellite tracking of grey seals (Halichoerus grypus)
BJ McConnell, C Chambers, KS Nicholas, MA Fedak
Journal of Zoology 226 (2), 271-282, 1992
Foraging behaviour and diet of lactating female southern sea lions (Otaria flavescens) in the Falkland Islands
D Thompson, CD Duck, BJ McConnell, J Garrett
Journal of Zoology 246 (2), 135-146, 1998
Avoidance of wind farms by harbour seals is limited to pile driving activities
DJF Russell, GD Hastie, D Thompson, VM Janik, PS Hammond, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 53 (6), 1642-1652, 2016
Using GPS data to evaluate the accuracy of state–space methods for correction of Argos satellite telemetry error
TA Patterson, BJ McConnell, MA Fedak, MV Bravington, MA Hindell
Ecology 91 (1), 273-285, 2010
Dispersion and site fidelity of breeding female grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) on North Rona, Scotland
PP Pomeroy, SS Anderson, SD Twiss, BJ McConnell
Journal of Zoology 233 (3), 429-447, 1994
Movements and foraging areas of naive, recently weaned southern elephant seal pups
B McConnell, M Fedak, HR Burton, GH Engelhard, PJH Reijnders
Journal of Animal Ecology 71 (1), 65-78, 2002
Salinity and temperature structure of a freezing Arctic fjord—monitored by white whales (Delphinapterus leucas)
C Lydersen, OA Nøst, P Lovell, BJ McConnell, T Gammelsrød, C Hunter, ...
Geophysical research letters 29 (23), 34-1-34-4, 2002
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Articles 1–20