Juan Echagüe
Juan Echagüe
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Citované v
Stability of FIFO networks under adversarial models: State of the art
V Cholvi, J Echagüe
Computer Networks 51 (15), 4460-4474, 2007
Worst case burstiness increase due to FIFO multiplexing
V Cholvi, J Echagüe, JY Le Boudec
Performance Evaluation 49 (1-4), 491-506, 2002
Effective use of congestion in complex networks
J Echagüe, V Cholvi, DR Kowalski
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 494, 574-580, 2018
Tight arrival curve at the output of a work-conserving blind multiplexing server
J Echagüe, V Cholvi
Informatica 21 (1), 31-40, 2010
Factors affecting congestion-aware routing in complex networks
J Echagüe, V Cholvi, A Fernández
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 587, 126483, 2022
Worst case burstiness increase due to arbitrary aggregate multiplexing
J Echagüe, V Cholvi
Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Performance evaluation …, 2006
A distributed algorithm to provide QoS by avoiding cycles in routes
J Echagüe, M Prieto, J Villadangos, V Cholvi
Workshop on Quality of Service Routing, 224-236, 2004
System stability under adversarial injection of dependent tasks
V Cholvi, J Echagüe, AF Anta, CT Caro
IEEE Access 9, 139516-139526, 2021
Stability Under Adversarial Injection of Dependent Tasks (Extended Abstract)
V Cholvi, J Echagüe, A Fernández Anta, C Thraves Caro
International Conference on Networked Systems, 355-360, 2020
Transforming general networks into feed-forward by using turn-prohibition
J Echagüe, J Villadangos, V Cholvi, M Prieto
Computer communications 31 (9), 1824-1831, 2008
Inspection Operations and Hole Detection in Fish Net Cages through a Hybrid Underwater Intervention System Using Deep Learning Techniques
S López-Barajas, PJ Sanz, R Marín-Prades, A Gómez-Espinosa, ...
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 12 (1), 80, 2023
POSEIDON Project: Objectives and Preliminary Results
A Solís, M Ávila, PJ Sanz, R Marín, JV Martí, F Molina, A Pino, ...
XLIII Jornadas de Automática, 38-43, 2022
POSEIDON Project: Objectives and Preliminary Results
A Solis Jiménez, M Ávila Ruiz, PJ Sanz Valero, R Marin, J Martí, ...
Servizo de Publicacións. Universidade da Coruña, A Coruña, 2022
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