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Journal of Physical Chemistry 94 (15), 5795-5801, 1990
268 1990 Lévy-Brownian motion on finite intervals: Mean first passage time analysis B Dybiec, E Gudowska-Nowak, P Hänggi
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 73 (4 …, 2006
172 2006 Optimal first-arrival times in Lévy flights with resetting Ł Kuśmierz, E Gudowska-Nowak
Physical Review E 92 (5), 052127, 2015
147 2015 Co-occurrence of resonant activation and noise-enhanced stability in a model of cancer growth in the presence of immune response A Fiasconaro, B Spagnolo, A Ochab-Marcinek, E Gudowska-Nowak
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 74 (4 …, 2006
136 2006 Escape driven by -stable white noises B Dybiec, E Gudowska-Nowak, P Hänggi
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 75 (2 …, 2007
118 2007 Stepping molecular motor amid Lévy white noise B Lisowski, D Valenti, B Spagnolo, M Bier, E Gudowska-Nowak
Physical Review E 91 (4), 042713, 2015
107 2015 Monitoring noise-resonant effects in cancer growth influenced by external fluctuations and periodic treatment A Fiasconaro, A Ochab-Marcinek, B Spagnolo, E Gudowska-Nowak
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98 2008 Lévy flights versus Lévy walks in bounded domains B Dybiec, E Gudowska-Nowak, E Barkai, AA Dubkov
Physical Review E 95 (5), 052102, 2017
93 2017 Discriminating between normal and anomalous random walks B Dybiec, E Gudowska-Nowak
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 80 (6 …, 2009
91 2009 Lévy stable noise-induced transitions: stochastic resonance, resonant activation and dynamichysteresis B Dybiec, E Gudowska-Nowak
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2009 (05), P05004, 2009
81 2009 Resonant activation in the presence of nonequilibrated baths B Dybiec, E Gudowska-Nowak
Physical Review E 69 (1), 016105, 2004
75 2004 Stationary states in Langevin dynamics under asymmetric Lévy noises B Dybiec, E Gudowska-Nowak, IM Sokolov
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 76 (4 …, 2007
73 2007 Infinite products of large random matrices and matrix-valued diffusion E Gudowska-Nowak, RA Janik, J Jurkiewicz, MA Nowak
Nuclear Physics B 670 (3), 479-507, 2003
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Physical Review E 99 (5), 052116, 2019
69 2019 Stochastic resonance : the role of -stable noises B Dybiec, E Gudowska-Nowak
66 2006 Transport in a Lévy ratchet: Group velocity and distribution spread B Dybiec, E Gudowska-Nowak, IM Sokolov
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 78 (1 …, 2008
61 2008 Subordinated diffusion and continuous time random walk asymptotics B Dybiec, E Gudowska-Nowak
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 20 (4), 2010
49 2010 Effect of LET on the yield and quality of chromosomal damage in metaphase cells: a time-course study S Ritter, E Nasonova, E Gudowska-Novak
International Journal of Radiation Biology 78 (3), 191-202, 2002
49 2002 Cell cycle arrest and aberration yield in normal human fibroblasts. I. Effects of X‐rays and 195 MeV u−1 C ions E Nasonova, K Füssel, S Berger, E Gudowska‐Nowak, S Ritter
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48 2004 High-LET-induced chromosome aberrations in V79 cells analysed in first and second post-irradiation metaphases S Ritter, E. Nasonova, E. Gudowska-Nowak, M. Scholz, G. Kraft
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