Marcin Penk
Marcin Penk
Lecturer/Assistant Professor
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Towards a unified study of multiple stressors: divisions and common goals across research disciplines
JA Orr, RD Vinebrooke, MC Jackson, KJ Kroeker, RL Kordas, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287 (1926), 20200421, 2020
Invader Relative Impact Potential: a new metric to understand and predict the ecological impacts of existing, emerging and future invasive alien species
JTA Dick, C Laverty, JJ Lennon, D Barrios‐O'Neill, PJ Mensink, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 54 (4), 1259-1267, 2017
Ecological impacts of an invasive predator explained and predicted by comparative functional responses
JTA Dick, K Gallagher, S Avlijas, HC Clarke, SE Lewis, S Leung, ...
Biological Invasions 15, 837-846, 2013
Warming can enhance invasion success through asymmetries in energetic performance
MR Penk, JM Jeschke, D Minchin, I Donohue
Journal of Animal Ecology 85 (2), 419-426, 2016
A trophic interaction framework for identifying the invasive capacity of novel organisms
M Penk, WC Saul, JTA Dick, I Donohue, ME Alexander, S Linzmaier, ...
Methods in ecology and evolution 8 (12), 1786-1794, 2017
Perceived multiple stressor effects depend on sample size and stressor gradient length
L Mack, CF de la Hoz, M Penk, J Piggott, T Crowe, D Hering, W Kaijser, ...
Water Research 226, 119260, 2022
Ecosystem-level effects of a globally-spreading invertebrate invader are not moderated by a functionally similar native
M Penk, K Irvine, I Donohue
Journal of Animal Ecology, 2015
Elevated temperatures interact with habitat quality to undermine survival of ectotherms in climatic refugia
M Penk, I Donohue, V Récoules, K Irvine
Diversity and Distributions 21, 200-210, 2015
Groundwater Crustacea of Ireland: a survey of the stygobitic Malacostraca in caves and springs
LRFD Knight, MR Penk
Biology & Environment: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 110 (3), 211, 2011
Thermal effluents from power plants boost performance of the invasive clam Corbicula fluminea in Ireland's largest river
MR Penk, MA Williams
Science of the Total Environment 693, 133546, 2019
Studying interactions among anthropogenic stressors in freshwater ecosystems: A systematic review of 2396 multiple‐stressor experiments
JA Orr, SJ Macaulay, A Mordente, B Burgess, D Albini, JG Hunn, ...
Ecology Letters 27 (6), e14463, 2024
An efficient Ag+-selective fluorescent chemosensor derived from tribenzotriquinacene
ZM Li, D Hu, J Wei, Q Qi, XP Cao, HF Chow, D Kuck
Synthesis 50 (07), 1457-1461, 2018
Nutrients in saltmarsh soils are weakly related to those in adjacent coastal waters
MR Penk, R Wilkes, PM Perrin, S Waldren
Estuaries and Coasts, 1-13, 2018
Seasonal migration of a glacial relict mysid (Crustacea) into the littoral zone and its co-occurrence with an introduced competitor in Lough Derg (Ireland)
MR Penk, D Minchin
Hydrobiologia 726, 1-11, 2014
A review of the current distribution of the freshwater opossum shrimp Mysis salemaai Audzijonyte and Väinölä, 2005 in Ireland
MR Penk
Biology and Environment: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 111 (2), 107-115, 2011
Variability of plant and surface soil carbon concentration among saltmarsh habitats in Ireland
MR Penk, PM Perrin
Estuaries and Coasts 45 (6), 1631-1645, 2022
Above-to belowground vegetation biomass ratio in temperate North-East Atlantic saltmarshes increases strongly with soil nitrogen gradient
MR Penk, PM Perrin, S Waldren
Ecosystems 23 (3), 648-661, 2020
Using weighted expert judgement and nonlinear data analysis to improve Bayesian belief network models for riverine ecosystem services
MR Penk, M Bruen, CK Feld, JJ Piggott, M Christie, C Bullock, ...
Science of the Total Environment 851, 158065, 2022
ESDecide: from Ecosystem Services Framework to Application for Integrated Freshwater Resources Management
M Kelly-Quinn, M Bruen, C Bullock, M Christie, CK Feld, J Kenter, M Penk, ...
Environmental Protection Agency, Wexford, Ireland., 2022
Plant diversity and community composition in temperate north‐east Atlantic salt marshes are linked to nutrient concentrations
MR Penk, PM Perrin, R Kelly, F O'Neill, S Waldren
Applied Vegetation Science, 2019
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