Hiroshi Shimodaira
Hiroshi Shimodaira
Centre for Speech Technology Research, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh
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Cited by
Dynamic time-alignment kernel in support vector machine
H Shimodaira, K Noma, M Nakai, S Sagayama
Advances in neural information processing systems 14, 2001
Substroke approach to HMM-based on-line Kanji handwriting recognition
M Nakai, N Akira, H Shimodaira, S Sagayama
Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Document Analysis and …, 2001
Human-computer dialogue simulation using hidden markov models
H Cuayįhuitl, S Renals, O Lemon, H Shimodaira
IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding, 2005., 290-295, 2005
Multiple-regression hidden Markov model
K Fujinaga, M Nakai, H Shimodaira, S Sagayama
2001 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal …, 2001
Evaluation of a hierarchical reinforcement learning spoken dialogue system
H Cuayįhuitl, S Renals, O Lemon, H Shimodaira
Computer Speech & Language 24 (2), 395-429, 2010
Support vector machine with dynamic time-alignment kernel for speech recognition.
H Shimodaira, K Noma, M Nakai, S Sagayama
Interspeech, 1841-1844, 2001
Galatea: Open-source software for developing anthropomorphic spoken dialog agents
S Kawamoto, H Shimodaira, T Nitta, T Nishimoto, S Nakamura, K Itou, ...
Life-like characters: Tools, affective functions, and applications, 187-211, 2004
Context-dependent substroke model for HMM-based on-line handwriting recognition
J Tokuno, N Inami, S Matsuda, M Nakai, H Shimodaira, S Sagayama
Proceedings Eighth International Workshop on Frontiers in Handwriting …, 2002
Text classification using naive Bayes
H Shimodaira
Learning and Data Note 7, 1-9, 2014
Speech-driven lip motion generation with a trajectory HMM
G Hofer, J Yamagishi, H Shimodaira
INTERSPEECH 2008, 9th Annual Conference of the International Speech …, 2008
Automatic head motion prediction from speech data
G Hofer, H Shimodaira
Bidirectional LSTM networks employing stacked bottleneck features for expressive speech-driven head motion synthesis
K Haag, H Shimodaira
Intelligent Virtual Agents: 16th International Conference, IVA 2016, Los …, 2016
On-line Overlaid-Handwriting Recognition Based on Substroke HMMs.
H Shimodaira, T Sudo, M Nakai, S Sagayama
Hidden Markov model for automatic transcription of MIDI signals
H Takeda, N Saito, T Otsuki, M Nakai, H Shimodaira, S Sagayama
2002 IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing., 428-431, 2002
Reinforcement learning of dialogue strategies with hierarchical abstract machines
H Cuayįhuitl, S Renals, O Lemon, H Shimodaira
2006 IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop, 182-185, 2006
Pen pressure features for writer-independent on-line handwriting recognition based on substroke HMM
M Nakai, T Sudo, H Shimodaira, S Sagayama
2002 International Conference on Pattern Recognition 3, 220-223, 2002
ABBOT: the CUED hybrid connectionist-HMM large vocabulary recognition system
M Hochberg, S Renals, A Robinson
Proc. ARPA Spoken Language Technology Workshop, 1994
Generation of hierarchical dictionary for stroke-order free Kanji handwriting recognition based on substroke HMM
M Nakai, H Shimodaira, S Sagayama
Seventh International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, 2003 …, 2003
Learning multi-goal dialogue strategies using reinforcement learning with reduced state-action spaces
H Cuayįhuitl, S Renals, O Lemon, H Shimodaira
Ninth International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (INTERSPEECH …, 2006
A new HMnet construction algorithm requiring no contextual factors
M Suzuki, S Makino, A Ito, H Aso, H Shimodaira
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems 78 (6), 662-668, 1995
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Articles 1–20