Katie LaBarbera
Katie LaBarbera
San Francisco Bay Bird Observatory
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Natural history collections as windows on evolutionary processes
MW Holmes, TT Hammond, GOU Wogan, RE Walsh, K LaBarbera, ...
Molecular ecology 25 (4), 864-881, 2016
Synchrony does not explain extrapair paternity rate variation in northern or southern house wrens
K LaBarbera, PE Llambías, ERA Cramer, TD Schaming, IJ Lovette
Behavioral Ecology 21 (4), 773-780, 2010
Mating opportunities, paternity, and sexual conflict: paternal care in northern and southern temperate house wrens
K LaBarbera, IJ Lovette, PE Llambías
Behavioral ecology and sociobiology 66, 253-260, 2012
Similar patterns of parental provisioning in a monogamous and a polygynous population of the house wren
PE Llambías, K LaBarbera, AA Astié
The Condor 114 (3), 629-638, 2012
No evidence that sperm morphology predicts paternity success in wild house wrens
ERA Cramer, T Laskemoen, O Kleven, K LaBarbera, IJ Lovette, JT Lifjeld
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 67, 1845-1853, 2013
Mate choice and the ‘opposite miss’ to Weber's law: proportional processing governs signal preferences in a treefrog
K LaBarbera, PB Nelson, MA Bee
Animal Behaviour 168, 199-209, 2020
Context-dependent effects of relative temperature extremes on bill morphology in a songbird
K LaBarbera, KJ Marsh, KRR Hayes, TT Hammond
Royal Society open science 7 (4), 192203, 2020
Ecological and demographic impacts of a recent volcanic eruption on two endemic patagonian rodents
EA Lacey, R Takenaka, K LaBarbera, MN Tammone
Plos one 14 (3), e0213311, 2019
Breeding season length and nest mortality drive cryptic life history variation in Dark-eyed Juncos (Junco hyemalis) breeding across a montane elevational gradient
K LaBarbera, EA Lacey
The Auk: Ornithological Advances 135 (2), 284-298, 2018
Complex relationships among environmental conditions and bill morphology in a generalist songbird
K LaBarbera, KR Hayes, KJ Marsh, EA Lacey
Evolutionary Ecology 31, 707-724, 2017
Capture height biases for birds in mist-nets vary by taxon, season, and foraging guild in northern California
DJ Tattoni, K LaBarbera
Journal of Field Ornithology 93 (1), 1, 2022
Elevation affects extra-pair paternity but not a sexually selected plumage trait in dark-eyed juncos
K LaBarbera, KRR Hayes, KE Langhans, EA Lacey
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 73, 1-12, 2019
House Wren (Troglodytes aedon) provisions nestlings of Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis)
K LaBarbera, R Spencer
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 128 (3), 676-678, 2016
Long term progress in riparian restoration with concurrent avian declines in the southern San Francisco Bay Area (CA)
IT Stewart, L Healey, K LaBarbera, H Li, JC Scullen, Y Wang, D Wenny
Ecological Restoration 40 (3), 203-217, 2022
Using individual capture data to reveal large-scale patterns of social association in birds
K LaBarbera, JC Scullen
Journal of Ornithology 162 (3), 795-811, 2021
Wildfire smoke impacts the body condition and capture rates of birds in California
A Nihei, OV Sanderfoot, K LaBarbera, MW Tingley
Ornithology, ukae023, 2024
A simple method to estimate capture height biases at landbird banding stations: opportunities and limitations
DJ Tattoni, K LaBarbera
Journal of Field Ornithology 94 (4), 2023
Incidence and extent of eccentric preformative molt in the California and Canyon Towhees
DJ Tattoni, K LaBarbera, CD Hathcock
Western Birds 53, 163-168, 2022
Growth benefit to house wren nestlings of having an asynchronously late-hatching nestmate is greater for extra-pair offspring
K LaBarbera, ERA Cramer, D Veronese, IJ Lovette
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 71, 1-8, 2017
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