Hilary H. Birks
Hilary H. Birks
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Quaternary palaeoecology
HJB Birks, HH Birks
Edward Arnold, 1980
Future uses of pollen analysis must include plant macrofossils
HH Birks, HJB Birks
Journal of biogeography, 31-35, 2000
Multi-proxy studies in palaeolimnology
HH Birks, HJB Birks
Vegetation history and Archaeobotany 15, 235-251, 2006
The cultural landscape: past, present and future
HH Birks
Cambridge University Press, 1988
Life and times of the Bering land bridge
SA Elias, SK Short, CH Nelson, HH Birks
Nature 382 (6586), 60-63, 1996
Rapid oceanic and atmospheric changes during the Younger Dryas cold period
J Bakke, Ø Lie, E Heegaard, T Dokken, GH Haug, HH Birks, P Dulski, ...
Nature Geoscience 2 (3), 202-205, 2009
Plant macrofossils
HH Birks
Tracking environmental change using lake sediments: terrestrial, algal, and …, 2001
The development of the aquatic ecosystem at Kråkenes Lake, western Norway, during the late glacial and early Holocene-a synthesis
HH Birks, RW Battarbee, HJB Birks
Journal of Paleolimnology 23, 91-114, 2000
Looking forward through the past: identification of 50 priority research questions in palaeoecology
AWR Seddon, AW Mackay, AG Baker, HJB Birks, E Breman, CE Buck, ...
Journal of Ecology 102 (1), 256-267, 2014
Two terrestrial records of rapid climatic change during the glacial–Holocene transition (14,000–9,000 calendar years BP) from Europe
HH Birks, B Ammann
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 97 (4), 1390-1394, 2000
Species–environmental relationships of aquatic macrophytes in Northern Ireland
E Heegaard, HH Birks, CE Gibson, SJ Smith, S Wolfe-Murphy
Aquatic botany 70 (3), 175-223, 2001
New radiocarbon dates for the Vedde Ash and the Saksunarvatn Ash from western Norway
HH Birks, S Gulliksen, H Haflidason, J Mangerud, G Possnert
Quaternary research 45 (2), 119-127, 1996
Plant macrofossils in Quaternary lake sediments
HH Birks
Stay or go–how topographic complexity influences alpine plant population and community responses to climate change
BJ Graae, V Vandvik, WS Armbruster, WL Eiserhardt, JC Svenning, ...
Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 30, 41-50, 2018
Holocene vegetational history and climatic change in west Spitsbergen-plant macrofossils from Skardtjørna, an Arctic lake
HH Birks
The Holocene 1 (3), 209-218, 1991
Stratigraphic expressions of the Holocene–Anthropocene transition revealed in sediments from remote lakes
AP Wolfe, WO Hobbs, HH Birks, JP Briner, SU Holmgren, Ó Ingólfsson, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 116, 17-34, 2013
Changes in North Atlantic radiocarbon reservoir ages during the Allerød and Younger Dryas
S Bondevik, J Mangerud, HH Birks, S Gulliksen, P Reimer
Science 312 (5779), 1514-1517, 2006
Climatic changes in areas adjacent to the North Atlantic during the last glacial‐interglacial transition (14‐9 ka BP): a contribution to IGCP‐253
JJ Lowe, B Ammann, HH Birks, S Björck, GR Coope, L Cwynar, ...
Journal of Quaternary Science 9 (2), 185-198, 1994
Modern macrofossil assemblages in lake sediments in Minnesota
HH Birks
Quaternary plant ecology, 173-189, 1973
The importance of plant macrofossils in the reconstruction of Lateglacial vegetation and climate: examples from Scotland, western Norway, and Minnesota, USA
HH Birks
Quaternary Science Reviews 22 (5-7), 453-473, 2003
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Articles 1–20