Ramon Cobo Reyes Cano
Ramon Cobo Reyes Cano
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Altruism and social integration
P Branas-Garza, R Cobo-Reyes, MP Espinosa, N Jiménez, J Kováøík, ...
Games and Economic Behavior 69 (2), 249-257, 2010
The hidden advantage of delegation: Pareto improvements in a gift exchange game
G Charness, R Cobo-Reyes, N Jiménez, JA Lacomba, F Lagos
American Economic Review 102 (5), 2358-2379, 2012
An investment game with third-party intervention
G Charness, R Cobo-Reyes, N Jiménez
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 68 (1), 18-28, 2008
Identities, selection, and contributions in a public-goods game
G Charness, R Cobo-Reyes, N Jiménez
Games and Economic Behavior 87, 322-338, 2014
Are women expected to be more generous?
F Aguiar, P Brañas-Garza, R Cobo-Reyes, N Jimenez, LM Miller
Experimental Economics 12, 93-98, 2009
The effect of charitable giving on workers’ performance: Experimental evidence
G Charness, R Cobo-Reyes, A Sanchez
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 131, 61-74, 2016
Social comparisons in wage delegation: Experimental evidence
G Charness, R Cobo-Reyes, JA Lacomba, F Lagos, JM Pérez
Experimental Economics 19, 433-459, 2016
“Si él lo necesita”: Gypsy fairness in Vallecas
P Brañas-Garza, R Cobo-Reyes, A Domínguez
Experimental Economics 9, 253-264, 2006
Anticipated discrimination, choices, and performance: Experimental evidence
G Charness, R Cobo-Reyes, S Meraglia, Á Sánchez
European Economic Review 127, 103473, 2020
The effect of oil price on industrial production and on stock returns
R Cobo-Reyes, G Pérez Quirós
Universidad de Granada. Departamento de Teoría e Historia Económica, 2005
Prosocial norms and degree heterogeneity in social networks
J Kováøík, P Brañas-Garza, R Cobo-Reyes, MP Espinosa, N Jiménez, ...
Physica A: Statistical mechanics and its Applications 391 (3), 849-853, 2012
The dark side of friendship:‘envy’
R Cobo-Reyes, N Jiménez
Experimental Economics 15, 547-570, 2012
The development of social preferences
R Cobo–Reyes, JJ Dominguez, F García–Quero, B Grosskopf, ...
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 179, 653-666, 2020
The effect of production technology on trust and reciprocity in principal-agent relationships with team production
R Cobo-Reyes, JA Lacomba, F Lagos, D Levin
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 137, 324-338, 2017
Job security and long-term investment: An experimental analysis
G Charness, R Cobo-Reyes, N Jiménez, JA Lacomba, F Lagos
European Economic Review 95, 195-214, 2017
Endogenous sanctioning institutions and migration patterns: Experimental evidence
R Cobo-Reyes, G Katz, S Meraglia
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 158, 575-606, 2019
Improving healthy eating in children: Experimental evidence
G Charness, R Cobo-Reyes, E Eyster, Á Sánchez, M Sutter
MPI Collective Goods Discussion Paper, 2021
Aversión a la desigualdad entre gitanos españoles: un enfoque experimental
R Cobo-Reyes, N Jiménez, Á Solano-García
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), 2008
Voting on sanctioning institutions in open and closed communities: experimental evidence
R Cobo-Reyes, G Katz, T Markussen, S Meraglia
Social Choice and Welfare, 1-59, 2019
La percepción de los trabajadores de la normativa del sistema público de pensiones. El caso español
R Cobo-Reyes, J Díaz-Saavedra
Revista internacional de sociología 68 (3), 775-795, 2010
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Articles 1–20