Allard de Wit
Allard de Wit
Wageningen Environmental Research, Wageningen-UR
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Citované v
Intercomparison, interpretation, and assessment of spring phenology in North America estimated from remote sensing for 1982–2006
MA White, KM de Beurs, K Didan, DW Inouye, AD Richardson, OP Jensen, ...
Global change biology 15 (10), 2335-2359, 2009
Analysis of monotonic greening and browning trends from global NDVI time-series
R De Jong, S de Bruin, A de Wit, ME Schaepman, DL Dent
Remote Sensing of Environment 115 (2), 692-702, 2011
A review on reflective remote sensing and data assimilation techniques for enhanced agroecosystem modeling
WA Dorigo, R Zurita-Milla, AJW de Wit, J Brazile, R Singh, ...
International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation 9 (2 …, 2007
Crop model data assimilation with the Ensemble Kalman filter for improving regional crop yield forecasts
AJW De Wit, CA Van Diepen
Agricultural and forest meteorology 146 (1-2), 38-56, 2007
25 years of the WOFOST cropping systems model
A De Wit, H Boogaard, D Fumagalli, S Janssen, R Knapen, ...
Agricultural systems 168, 154-167, 2019
Global gridded crop model evaluation: benchmarking, skills, deficiencies and implications
C Müller, J Elliott, J Chryssanthacopoulos, A Arneth, J Balkovic, P Ciais, ...
Geoscientific Model Development 10 (4), 1403-1422, 2017
Strong contribution of autumn phenology to changes in satellite‐derived growing season length estimates across Europe (1982–2011)
I Garonna, R De Jong, AJW De Wit, CA Mücher, B Schmid, ...
Global change biology 20 (11), 3457-3470, 2014
State-of-the-art global models underestimate impacts from climate extremes
J Schewe, SN Gosling, C Reyer, F Zhao, P Ciais, J Elliott, L Francois, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 1005, 2019
Efficiency and accuracy of per-field classification for operational crop mapping
AJW De Wit, J Clevers
International journal of remote sensing 25 (20), 4091-4112, 2004
Machine learning for large-scale crop yield forecasting
D Paudel, H Boogaard, A de Wit, S Janssen, S Osinga, C Pylianidis, ...
Agricultural Systems 187, 103016, 2021
Recent changes in the climatic yield potential of various crops in Europe
I Supit, CA Van Diepen, AJW De Wit, P Kabat, B Baruth, F Ludwig
Agricultural Systems 103 (9), 683-694, 2010
Assessing climate change effects on European crop yields using the Crop Growth Monitoring System and a weather generator
I Supit, CA Van Diepen, AJW De Wit, J Wolf, P Kabat, B Baruth, F Ludwig
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 164, 96-111, 2012
Potential performances of remotely sensed LAI assimilation in WOFOST model based on an OSS Experiment
Y Curnel, AJW de Wit, G Duveiller, P Defourny
Agricultural and forest meteorology 151 (12), 1843-1855, 2011
Estimating regional winter wheat yield with WOFOST through the assimilation of green area index retrieved from MODIS observations
A de Wit, G Duveiller, P Defourny
Agricultural and forest meteorology 164, 39-52, 2012
Spatial resolution of precipitation and radiation: the effect on regional crop yield forecasts
AJW De Wit, HL Boogaard, CA Van Diepen
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 135 (1-4), 156-168, 2005
Desertification in the Sahel: Towards better accounting for ecosystem dynamics in the interpretation of remote sensing images
L Hein, N De Ridder, P Hiernaux, R Leemans, A De Wit, M Schaepman
Journal of Arid Environments 75 (11), 1164-1172, 2011
Crop growth modelling and crop yield forecasting using satellite-derived meteorological inputs
AJW de Wit, CA Van Diepen
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 10 (4 …, 2008
Adaptation response surfaces for managing wheat under perturbed climate and CO2 in a Mediterranean environment
M Ruiz-Ramos, R Ferrise, A Rodríguez, IJ Lorite, M Bindi, TR Carter, ...
Agricultural Systems 159, 260-274, 2018
Accuracy assessment of a 300 m global land cover map: The GlobCover experience
P Defourny, L Schouten, S Bartalev, S Bontemps, P Caccetta, AJW De Wit, ...
Improving WOFOST model to simulate winter wheat phenology in Europe: Evaluation and effects on yield
A Ceglar, R Van der Wijngaart, A De Wit, R Lecerf, H Boogaard, L Seguini, ...
Agricultural Systems 168, 168-180, 2019
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