Evolution of facultative paedomorphosis in salamanders HH Whiteman The Quarterly review of biology 69 (2), 205-221, 1994 | 247 | 1994 |
Evolutionary ecology of facultative paedomorphosis in newts and salamanders M Denoël, P Joly, HH Whiteman Biological Reviews 80 (4), 663-671, 2005 | 186 | 2005 |
A mother’s legacy: the strength of maternal effects in animal populations MP Moore, HH Whiteman, RA Martin Ecology Letters 22 (10), 1620-1628, 2019 | 152 | 2019 |
Dispersal of the fairy shrimp Branchinecta coloradensis (Anostraca): Effects of hydroperiod and salamanders AJ Bohonak, HH Whiteman Limnology and Oceanography 44 (3), 487-493, 1999 | 140 | 1999 |
Foraging trade‐offs along a predator–permanence gradient in subalpine wetlands SA Wissinger, HH Whiteman, GB Sparks, GL Rouse, WS Brown Ecology 80 (6), 2102-2116, 1999 | 132 | 1999 |
Are commonly used fitness predictors accurate? A meta-analysis of amphibian size and age at metamorphosis JE Earl, HH Whiteman Copeia 103 (2), 297-309, 2015 | 122 | 2015 |
Perceptions of species abundance, distribution, and diversity: lessons from four decades of sampling on a government-managed reserve JW Gibbons, VJ Burke, JE Lovich, RD Semlitsch, TD Tuberville, JR Bodie, ... Environmental Management 21 (2), 259-268, 1997 | 113 | 1997 |
Subalpine wetlands in Colorado: habitat permanence, salamander predation, and invertebrate communities SA Wissinger, AJ Bohonak, HH Whiteman, WS Brown Invertebrates in freshwater wetlands of North America: ecology and …, 1999 | 110 | 1999 |
Differential effects of mate competition and mate choice on eastern tiger salamanders RD Howard, RS Moorman, HH Whiteman Animal Behaviour 53 (6), 1345-1356, 1997 | 95 | 1997 |
Consumptive and nonconsumptive effects of cannibalism in fluctuating age‐structured populations SA Wissinger, HH Whiteman, M Denoël, ML Mumford, CB Aubee Ecology 91 (2), 549-559, 2010 | 92 | 2010 |
Fluctuation in a Rocky Mountain population of salamanders: anthropogenic acidification or natural variation? SA Wissinger, HH Whiteman Journal of herpetology, 377-391, 1992 | 87 | 1992 |
Growth and foraging consequences of facultative paedomorphosis in the tiger salamander,Ambystoma tigrinum nebulosum HH Whiteman, SA Wissinger, WS Brown Evolutionary Ecology 10, 433-446, 1996 | 84 | 1996 |
Accuracy Assessment of Skeletochronology in the Arizona Tiger Salamander (Ambystoma Tigrinum Nebulosum) CJ Eden, HH Whiteman, L Duobinis-Gray, SA Wissinger Copeia 2007 (2), 471-477, 2007 | 66 | 2007 |
Larval growth in polyphenic salamanders: making the best of a bad lot HH Whiteman, SA Wissinger, M Denoël, CJ Mecklin, NM Gerlanc, ... Oecologia 168, 109-118, 2012 | 61 | 2012 |
Sexual selection in American toads: a test of a good‐genes hypothesis RD Howard, HH Whiteman, TI Schueller Evolution 48 (4), 1286-1300, 1994 | 58 | 1994 |
Maintenance of polymorphism promoted by sex-specific fitness payoffs HH Whiteman Evolution, 2039-2044, 1997 | 56 | 1997 |
Amphibian population cycles and long-term data sets HH Whiteman, SA Wissinger Amphibian declines: the conservation status of United States species …, 2005 | 51 | 2005 |
Seasonal movement patterns in a subalpine population of the tiger salamander, Ambystoma tigrinum nebulosum HH Whiteman, SA Wissinger, AJ Bohonak Canadian Journal of Zoology 72 (10), 1780-1787, 1994 | 47 | 1994 |
Effects of pulsed nitrate exposure on amphibian development JE Earl, HH Whiteman Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: An International Journal 28 (6 …, 2009 | 44 | 2009 |
Paedomorphosis in Ambystoma talpoideum: effects of initial body size variation and density JM Doyle, HH Whiteman Oecologia 156, 87-94, 2008 | 38 | 2008 |