Andrey Bushuev
Andrey Bushuev
Department of Vertebrate Zoology, Faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University
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Evolutionary signals of selection on cognition from the great tit genome and methylome
VN Laine, TI Gossmann, KM Schachtschneider, CJ Garroway, O Madsen, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 10474, 2016
Archiving primary data: solutions for long-term studies
JA Mills, C Teplitsky, B Arroyo, A Charmantier, PH Becker, TR Birkhead, ...
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 30 (10), 581-589, 2015
Geographic patterns of genetic differentiation and plumage colour variation are different in the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca)
PK Lehtonen, T Laaksonen, AV Artemyev, E Belskii, C Both, S Bureš, ...
Molecular Ecology 18 (21), 4463-4476, 2009
Phenological sensitivity to climate change is higher in resident than in migrant bird populations among European cavity breeders
JM Samplonius, L Bartošová, MD Burgess, AV Bushuev, T Eeva, ...
Global change biology 24 (8), 3780-3790, 2018
Connecting the data landscape of long‐term ecological studies: The SPI‐Birds data hub
A Culina, F Adriaensen, LD Bailey, MD Burgess, A Charmantier, EF Cole, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 90 (9), 2147-2160, 2021
Basal metabolic rate in free-living tropical birds: the influence of phylogenetic, behavioral, and ecological factors
A Bushuev, O Tolstenkov, E Zubkova, E Solovyeva, A Kerimov
Current Zoology 64 (1), 33-43, 2018
Candidate genes for colour and vision exhibit signals of selection across the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) breeding range
PK Lehtonen, T Laaksonen, AV Artemyev, E Belskii, PR Berg, C Both, ...
Heredity 108 (4), 431-440, 2012
Large-scale geographical variation in eggshell metal and calcium content in a passerine bird (Ficedula hypoleuca)
S Ruuskanen, T Laaksonen, J Morales, J Moreno, R Mateo, E Belskii, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 21, 3304-3317, 2014
Quantitative genetics of basal metabolic rate and body mass in free‐living pied flycatchers
AV Bushuev, A Husby, H Sternberg, VG Grinkov
Journal of Zoology 288 (4), 245-251, 2012
The great tit HapMap project: A continental‐scale analysis of genomic variation in a songbird
LG Spurgin, M Bosse, F Adriaensen, T Albayrak, C Barboutis, E Belda, ...
Molecular ecology resources 24 (5), e13969, 2024
Estimation of heritability and repeatability of resting metabolic rate in birds by the example of free-living pied flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca (Aves: Passeriformes)
AV Bushuev, AB Kerimov, EV Ivankina
Biology Bulletin Reviews 1, 26-46, 2011
Fecundity selection does not vary along a large geographical cline of trait means in a passerine bird
PM Sirkiä, P Adamik, AV Artemyev, E Belskii, C Both, S Bureš, M Burgess, ...
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 114 (4), 808-827, 2015
A new species of the genus Ceratophora Gray, 1835 (Reptilia: Agamidae) from a lowland rainforest in Sri Lanka, with insights on rostral appendage evolution in Sri Lankan agamid …
S Karunarathna, NA Poyarkov, C Amarasinghe, T Surasinghe, ...
Amphibian & Reptile Conservation 14 (3), 103-126, 2020
Evolution of metabolic scaling among the tetrapod: Effect of phylogeny, the geologic time of class formation, and uniformity of species within a class
VM Gavrilov, TB Golubeva, AV Bushuev
Integrative Zoology 17 (5), 904-917, 2022
Solutions for archiving data in long-term studies: A reply to Whitlock et al.
JA Mills, C Teplitsky, B Arroyo, A Charmantier, PH Becker, TR Birkhead, ...
Trends in ecology & evolution 31 (2), 85-87, 2016
Resting metabolic rate, stress, testosterone, and induced immune response in spring-and fall-born males of Campbell’s dwarf hamsters: maintenance in long-day conditions
KA Rogovin, AV Bushuev, AM Khruscheva, NY Vasilieva
Biology Bulletin Reviews 4, 181-191, 2014
Metabolic scaling in birds and mammals: how taxon divergence time, phylogeny, and metabolic rate affect the relationship between scaling exponents and intercepts
VM Gavrilov, TB Golubeva, G Warrack, AV Bushuev
Biology 11 (7), 1067, 2022
The influence of spring temperature on the intensity of advertising behavior and basal metabolic rate in bright and pale pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) males
AB Kerimov, VG Grinkov, EV Ivankina, TA Ilyina, AV Bushuev
Zoologichesky Zhurnal 93 (10), 1288-1302, 2014
Estimation of heritability and repeatability of resting metabolic rate in birds, with free-living pied flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca (Aves: Passeriformes) as an example
AV Bushuev, AB Kerimov, EV Ivankina
Zhurnal obshchei biologii 71 (5), 402-424, 2010
Temperature synchronizes temporal variation in laying dates across European hole‐nesting passerines
SJG Vriend, V Grøtan, M Gamelon, F Adriaensen, MP Ahola, E Alvarez, ...
Ecology 104 (2), e3908, 2023
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Articles 1–20