Jeanine Buchanich
Jeanine Buchanich
Research Associate Professor, University of Pittsburgh
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Changing dynamics of the drug overdose epidemic in the United States from 1979 through 2016
H Jalal, JM Buchanich, MS Roberts, LC Balmert, K Zhang, DS Burke
Science 361 (6408), 2018
Changes in midlife death rates across racial and ethnic groups in the United States: systematic analysis of vital statistics
SH Woolf, DA Chapman, JM Buchanich, KJ Bobby, EB Zimmerman, ...
Bmj 362, k3096, 2018
The Effect of Incomplete Death Certificates on Estimates of Unintentional Opioid-Related Overdose Deaths in the United States, 1999-2015
JM Buchanich, LC Balmert, KE Williams, DS Burke
Public Health Reports 133 (4), 423-431, 2018
Work in the metal industry and nasopharyngeal cancer mortality among formaldehyde-exposed workers
GM Marsh, AO Youk, JM Buchanich, S Erdal, NA Esmen
Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 48 (3), 308-319, 2007
Reductions in arterial stiffness with weight loss in overweight and obese young adults: potential mechanisms
JN Cooper, JM Buchanich, A Youk, MM Brooks, E Barinas-Mitchell, ...
Atherosclerosis 223 (2), 485-490, 2012
Historical cohort study of US man-made vitreous fiber production workers: I. 1992 fiberglass cohort follow-up: initial findings
GM Marsh, AO Youk, RA Stone, JM Buchanich, MJ Gula, TJ Smith, ...
Journal of occupational and environmental medicine 43 (9), 741-756, 2001
Mortality patterns among workers exposed to acrylamide: updated follow up
GM Marsh, AO Youk, JM Buchanich, IJ Kant, G Swaen
Journal of occupational and environmental medicine 49 (1), 82-95, 2007
Historical cohort study of US man-made vitreous fiber production workers: II. Mortality from mesothelioma
GM Marsh, MJ Gula, AO Youk, JM Buchanich, A Churg, TV Colby
Journal of occupational and environmental medicine 43 (9), 757-766, 2001
Maternal obesity, birth size, and risk of childhood cancer development
SL Stacy, JM Buchanich, Z Ma, C Mair, L Robertson, RK Sharma, ...
American journal of epidemiology 188 (8), 1503-1511, 2019
Pharyngeal cancer mortality among chemical plant workers exposed to formaldehyde
GM Marsh, AO Youk, JM Buchanich, LD Cassidy, LJ Lucas, NA Esmen, ...
Toxicology and industrial health 18 (6), 257-268, 2002
Age and generational patterns of overdose death risk from opioids and other drugs
H Jalal, JM Buchanich, DR Sinclair, MS Roberts, DS Burke
Nature medicine 26 (5), 699-704, 2020
Historical cohort study of US man-made vitreous fiber production workers: VI. Respiratory system cancer standardized mortality ratios adjusted for the confounding effect of …
GM Marsh, JM Buchanich, AO Youk
Journal of occupational and environmental medicine 43 (9), 803-808, 2001
Underascertainment of deaths using social security records: a recommended solution to a little-known problem
JM Buchanich, DG Dolan, GM Marsh, J Madrigano
American journal of epidemiology 162 (2), 193-194, 2005
Historical cohort study of US man-made vitreous fiber production workers: IV. Quantitative exposure-response analysis of the nested case-control study of respiratory system cancer
RA Stone, AO Youk, GM Marsh, JM Buchanich, MB McHenry, TJ Smith
Journal of occupational and environmental medicine 43 (9), 779-792, 2001
Patterns and trends in accidental poisoning death rates in the US, 1979–2014
JM Buchanich, LC Balmert, JL Pringle, KE Williams, DS Burke, GM Marsh
Preventive medicine 89, 317-323, 2016
Utilizing multiple vital status tracing services optimizes mortality follow-up in large cohort studies
LC Schall, JM Buchanich, GM Marsh, GM Bittner
Annals of epidemiology 11 (5), 292-296, 2001
Remission of intermediate uveitis: incidence and predictive factors
JH Kempen, DY Gewaily, CW Newcomb, TL Liesegang, RO Kaçmaz, ...
American journal of ophthalmology 164, 110-117. e2, 2016
Non-random geographic distribution of patients with cutaneous T-cell lymphoma in the Greater Pittsburgh Area
JF Moreau, JM Buchanich, JZ Geskin, OE Akilov, LJ Geskin
Dermatology online journal 20 (7), 2014
Historical cohort study of US man-made vitreous fiber production workers IX: summary of 1992 mortality follow up and analysis of respiratory system cancer among female workers
RA Stone, AO Youk, GM Marsh, JM Buchanich, TJ Smith
Journal of occupational and environmental medicine 46 (1), 55-67, 2004
Historical cohort study of US man-made vitreous fiber production workers: VIII. Exposure-specific job analysis
MM Quinn, TJ Smith, AO Youk, GM Marsh, RA Stone, JM Buchanich, ...
Journal of occupational and environmental medicine 43 (9), 824-834, 2001
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