John M. Stern
John M. Stern
UCLA Dept. of Neurology
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Electrical stimulation of the anterior nucleus of thalamus for treatment of refractory epilepsy
R Fisher, V Salanova, T Witt, R Worth, T Henry, R Gross, K Oommen, ...
Epilepsia 51 (5), 899-908, 2010
Simultaneous EEG and fMRI of the alpha rhythm
RI Goldman, JM Stern, J Engel Jr, MS Cohen
Neuroreport 13 (18), 2487-2492, 2002
Early surgical therapy for drug-resistant temporal lobe epilepsy: a randomized trial
J Engel, MP McDermott, S Wiebe, JT Langfitt, JM Stern, S Dewar, ...
Jama 307 (9), 922-930, 2012
Efficacy and tolerability of the new antiepileptic drugs I: Treatment of new onset epilepsy Report of the Therapeutics and Technology Assessment Subcommittee and Quality …
JA French, AM Kanner, J Bautista, B Abou-Khalil, T Browne, CL Harden, ...
Neurology 62 (8), 1252-1260, 2004
Efficacy and tolerability of the new antiepileptic drugs II: treatment of refractory epilepsy: report of the Therapeutics and Technology Assessment Subcommittee and Quality …
JA French, AM Kanner, J Bautista, B Abou-Khalil, T Browne, CL Harden, ...
Neurology 62 (8), 1261-1273, 2004
Long-term efficacy and safety of thalamic stimulation for drug-resistant partial epilepsy
V Salanova, T Witt, R Worth, TR Henry, RE Gross, JM Nazzaro, D Labar, ...
Neurology 84 (10), 1017-1025, 2015
Memory enhancement and deep-brain stimulation of the entorhinal area
N Suthana, Z Haneef, J Stern, R Mukamel, E Behnke, B Knowlton, I Fried
New England Journal of Medicine 366 (6), 502-510, 2012
Acquiring simultaneous EEG and functional MRI
RI Goldman, JM Stern, J Engel Jr, MS Cohen
Clinical neurophysiology 111 (11), 1974-1980, 2000
Identification of a locus on chromosome 14q for idiopathic basal ganglia calcification (Fahr disease)
DH Geschwind, M Loginov, JM Stern
The American Journal of Human Genetics 65 (3), 764-772, 1999
Practice guideline update summary: Efficacy and tolerability of the new antiepileptic drugs II: Treatment-resistant epilepsy
AM Kanner, E Ashman, D Gloss, C Harden, B Bourgeois, JF Bautista, ...
Epilepsy currents 18 (4), 269-278, 2018
Atlas of EEG patterns
JM Stern
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2005
Connectomics and epilepsy
J Engel, PM Thompson, JM Stern, RJ Staba, A Bragin, I Mody
Current opinion in neurology 26 (2), 186-194, 2013
Referral pattern for epilepsy surgery after evidence-based recommendations: a retrospective study
Z Haneef, J Stern, S Dewar, J Engel Jr
Neurology 75 (8), 699-704, 2010
Functional connectivity of hippocampal networks in temporal lobe epilepsy
Z Haneef, A Lenartowicz, HJ Yeh, HS Levin, J Engel Jr, JM Stern
Epilepsia 55 (1), 137-145, 2014
Theta oscillations in the human medial temporal lobe during real-world ambulatory movement
ZM Aghajan, P Schuette, TA Fields, ME Tran, SM Siddiqui, NR Hasulak, ...
Current Biology 27 (24), 3743-3751. e3, 2017
Quality improvement in neurology: AAN epilepsy quality measures: Report of the Quality Measurement and Reporting Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology
NB Fountain, PC Van Ness, R Swain-Eng, S Tonn, CT Bever Jr, ...
Neurology 76 (1), 94-99, 2011
Effect of lateralized temporal lobe epilepsy on the default mode network
Z Haneef, A Lenartowicz, HJ Yeh, J Engel Jr, JM Stern
Epilepsy & Behavior 25 (3), 350-357, 2012
Functional MRI of sleep spindles and K-complexes
M Caporro, Z Haneef, HJ Yeh, A Lenartowicz, C Buttinelli, J Parvizi, ...
Clinical neurophysiology 123 (2), 303-309, 2012
Theta-burst microstimulation in the human entorhinal area improves memory specificity
AS Titiz, MRH Hill, EA Mankin, Z M Aghajan, D Eliashiv, N Tchemodanov, ...
elife 6, e29515, 2017
Diagnostic delay in psychogenic seizures and the association with anti-seizure medication trials
WT Kerr, EA Janio, JM Le, JM Hori, AB Patel, NL Gallardo, J Bauirjan, ...
Seizure 40, 123-126, 2016
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Articles 1–20