Pier Paolo Alberoni
Pier Paolo Alberoni
Agenzia regionale prevenzione, ambiente ed energia della Regione Emilia-Romagna Struttura Idro-Meteo
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Precipitation estimations from geostationary orbit and prospects for METEOSAT Second Generation
V Levizzani, J Schmetz, HJ Lutz, J Kerkmann, PP Alberoni, M Cervino
Meteorological Applications: A journal of forecasting, practical …, 2001
Use of the vertical reflectivity profile for identification of anomalous propagation
PP Alberoni, T Andersson, P Mezzasalma, DB Michelson, S Nanni
Meteorological Applications 8 (3), 257-266, 2001
IR-based satellite and radar rainfall estimates of convective storms over northern Italy
R Amorati, PP Alberoni, V Levizzani, S Nanni
Meteorological Applications 7 (1), 1-18, 2000
Deep convection over Northern Italy: synoptic and thermodynamic analysis
S Costa, P Mezzasalma, V Levizzani, PP Alberoni, S Nanni
Atmospheric Research 56 (1-4), 73-88, 2001
Hydrometeor classification from dual-polarized weather radar: extending fuzzy logic from S-band to C-band data
FS Marzano, D Scaranari, M Celano, PP Alberoni, G Vulpiani, ...
Advances in Geosciences 7, 109-114, 2006
ACTIF best practice paper-understanding and reducing uncertainty in flood forecasting
E Todini, P Alberoni, M Butts, C Collier, R Khatibi, P Samuels, A Weerts
International conference on innovation, advances and implementation of flood …, 2005
Propagation of uncertainty from observing systems into NWP: COST‐731 Working Group 1
A Rossa, G Haase, C Keil, P Alberoni, S Ballard, J Bech, U Germann, ...
Atmospheric Science Letters 11 (2), 145-152, 2010
Statistical analysis and modelling of weather radar beam propagation conditions in the Po Valley (Italy)
A Fornasiero, PP Alberoni, J Bech
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 6 (2), 303-314, 2006
The Italian radar network within the national early-warning system for multi-risks management
G Vulpiani, P Pagliara, M Negri, L Rossi, A Gioia, P Giordano, ...
Proc. of Fifth European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology …, 2008
Commercial microwave links as a tool for operational rainfall monitoring in Northern Italy
G Roversi, PP Alberoni, A Fornasiero, F Porcù
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 13 (11), 5779-5797, 2020
Enhanced radar precipitation estimates using a combined clutter and beam blockage correction technique
A Fornasiero, J Bech, PP Alberoni
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 6 (5), 697-710, 2006
The Italian radar network: current status and future developments
PP Alberoni, L Ferraris, FS Marzano, S Nanni, R Pelosini, F Siccardi
Proceedings of ERAD 339 (344), 2002
Analysis and numerical modelling of a frontal passage associated with thunderstorm development over the Po Valley and the Adriatic Sea
A Buzzi, PP Alberoni
Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 48 (1), 205-224, 1992
Quality and assimilation of radar data for NWP–a review
PP Alberoni, V Ducrocq, G Gregoric, G Haase, I Holleman, M Lindskog, ...
COST-717 report, 2003
Debris flows rainfall thresholds in the Apennines of Emilia-Romagna (Italy) derived by the analysis of recent severe rainstorms events and regional meteorological data
G Ciccarese, M Mulas, PP Alberoni, G Truffelli, A Corsini
Geomorphology 358, 107097, 2020
Effects of propagation conditions on radar beam-ground interaction: impact on data quality
A Fornasiero, PP Alberoni, R Amorati, L Ferraris, AC Taramasso
Advances in Geosciences 2, 201-208, 2005
Data assimilation of radar reflectivity volumes in a LETKF scheme
T Gastaldo, V Poli, C Marsigli, PP Alberoni, T Paccagnella
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 25 (4), 747-764, 2018
Improving the radar data mosaicking procedure by means of a quality descriptor
A Fornasiero, PP Alberoni, R Amorati, C Marsigli
4th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology, Barcelona …, 2006
Precipitation estimates using METEOSAT Second Generation (MSG): new perspectives from geostationary orbit
V Levizzani, J Schmetz, HJ Lutz, J Kerkmann, P Alberoni, M Cervino, ...
Proc. 1999 EUMETSAT meteorological Satellite Data users’ conference …, 1999
Assimilation of radar reflectivity volumes in a pre‐operational framework
T Gastaldo, V Poli, C Marsigli, D Cesari, PP Alberoni, T Paccagnella
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 147 (735), 1031-1054, 2021
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Articles 1–20