Libor Caha
Cited by
Cited by
Criticality without frustration for quantum spin-1 chains
S Bravyi, L Caha, R Movassagh, D Nagaj, PW Shor
Physical review letters 109 (20), 207202, 2012
Clocks in Feynman's computer and Kitaev's local Hamiltonian: Bias, gaps, idling, and pulse tuning
L Caha, Z Landau, D Nagaj
Physical Review A 97 (6), 062306, 2018
Single-shot decoding of good quantum LDPC codes
S Gu, E Tang, L Caha, SH Choe, Z He, A Kubica
Communications in Mathematical Physics 405 (3), 85, 2024
The pair-flip model: a very entangled translationally invariant spin chain
L Caha, D Nagaj
arXiv preprint arXiv:1805.07168, 2018
Twisted hybrid algorithms for combinatorial optimization
L Caha, A Kliesch, R Koenig
Quantum Science and Technology 7 (4), 045013, 2022
Single-qubit gate teleportation provides a quantum advantage
L Caha, X Coiteux-Roy, R Koenig
Quantum 8, 1548, 2024
A colossal advantage: 3D-local noisy shallow quantum circuits defeat unbounded fan-in classical circuits
L Caha, X Coiteux-Roy, R Koenig
arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.09209, 2023
The Feynman-Kitaev computer's clock: bias, gaps, idling and pulse tuning
L Caha, Z Landau, D Nagaj
arXiv preprint arXiv:1712.07395, 2017
The complexity of Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill states
L Brenner, L Caha, X Coiteux-Roy, R Koenig
arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.19610, 2024
Shorter unentangled proofs for ground state connectivity
L Caha, D Nagaj, M Schwarz
Quantum Information Processing 17 (7), 174, 2018
Factoring an integer with three oscillators and a qubit
L Brenner, L Caha, X Coiteux-Roy, R Koenig
arXiv preprint arXiv:2412.13164, 2024
Quantum Potts Models on the Sierpi\'nski Pyramid
R Krčmár, M Zelenayová, L Caha, P Rapčan, T Nishino, A Gendiar
arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.09604, 2020
Inverzní kinematika humanoidních postav s využitím konformní geometrické algebry.
L Caha
Masarykova univerzita, Fakulta informatiky, 2009
Local Hamiltonians and their Ground States: Computation, Proofs & Entanglement
L Caha
Quantum 2-SAT in 1D geometry
L Caha
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Articles 1–15