Sara Palacio
Sara Palacio
Postdoc researcher (Pyrenean Institute of Ecology)
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Citované v
Accelerated increase in plant species richness on mountain summits is linked to warming
MJ Steinbauer, JA Grytnes, G Jurasinski, A Kulonen, J Lenoir, H Pauli, ...
Nature 556 (7700), 231-234, 2018
Dynamics of non‐structural carbohydrates in terrestrial plants: a global synthesis
J Martínez‐Vilalta, A Sala, D Asensio, L Galiano, G Hoch, S Palacio, ...
Ecological monographs 86 (4), 495-516, 2016
Carbon allocation and carbon isotope fluxes in the plant-soil-atmosphere continuum: a review
M Brüggemann, N. Gessler, A. Kayler, Z. Keel, S. G
Biogeosciences 8 (11), 3457-3489, 2011
Fire‐related traits for plant species of the Mediterranean Basin: Ecological Archives E090‐094
S Paula, M Arianoutsou, D Kazanis, Ç Tavsanoglu, F Lloret, C Buhk, ...
Ecology 90 (5), 1420-1420, 2009
Does carbon storage limit tree growth?
S Palacio, G Hoch, A Sala, C Körner, P Millard
Wiley-Blackwell, 2013
Non-structural carbohydrates in woody plants compared among laboratories
AG Quentin, EA Pinkard, MG Ryan, DT Tissue, LS Baggett, HD Adams, ...
Tree physiology 35 (11), 1146-1165, 2015
Plant life on gypsum: a review of its multiple facets
A Escudero, S Palacio, FT Maestre, AL Luzuriaga
Biological Reviews 90 (1), 1-18, 2015
Plants living on gypsum: beyond the specialist model
S Palacio, A Escudero, G Montserrat-Martí, M Maestro, R Milla, MÍJ Albert
Annals of botany 99 (2), 333-343, 2007
Summer-drought constrains the phenology and growth of two coexisting Mediterranean oaks with contrasting leaf habit: implications for their persistence and reproduction
G Montserrat-Martí, JJ Camarero, S Palacio, C Pérez-Rontomé, R Milla, ...
Trees 23, 787-799, 2009
Isotope‐ratio infrared spectroscopy: a reliable tool for the investigation of plant‐water sources?
P Martín‐Gómez, A Barbeta, J Voltas, J Peñuelas, K Dennis, S Palacio, ...
New Phytologist 207 (3), 914-927, 2015
Seasonal dynamics of non-structural carbohydrates in two species of Mediterranean sub-shrubs with different leaf phenology
S Palacio, M Maestro, G Montserrat-Martí
Environmental and Experimental Botany 59 (1), 34-42, 2007
Gypsophile chemistry unveiled: Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy provides new insight into plant adaptations to gypsum soils
S Palacio, M Aitkenhead, A Escudero, G Montserrat-Martí, M Maestro, ...
PLoS One 9 (9), e107285, 2014
Fast replenishment of initial carbon stores after defoliation by the pine processionary moth and its relationship to the re-growth ability of trees
S Palacio, R Hernández, M Maestro-Martínez, JJ Camarero
Trees 26, 1627-1640, 2012
The crystallization water of gypsum rocks is a relevant water source for plants
S Palacio, J Azorín, G Montserrat-Martí, JP Ferrio
Nature communications 5 (1), 4660, 2014
Browsed Betula pubescens trees are not carbon‐limited
S Palacio, AJ Hester, M Maestro, P Millard
Functional Ecology 22 (5), 808-815, 2008
Effect of root system morphology on root-sprouting and shoot-rooting abilities in 123 plant species from eroded lands in north-east Spain
J Guerrero-Campo, S Palacio, C Perez-Rontome, G Montserrat-Marti
Annals of Botany 98 (2), 439-447, 2006
Are storage and tree growth related? Seasonal nutrient and carbohydrate dynamics in evergreen and deciduous Mediterranean oaks
S Palacio, JJ Camarero, M Maestro, AQ Alla, E Lahoz, G Montserrat-Martí
Trees 32, 777-790, 2018
Relationship between shoot-rooting and root-sprouting abilities and the carbohydrate and nitrogen reserves of Mediterranean dwarf shrubs
S Palacio, M Maestro, G Montserrat-Martí
Annals of Botany 100 (4), 865-874, 2007
Seasonal variability of dry matter content and its relationship with shoot growth and nonstructural carbohydrates
S Palacio, R Milla, J Albuixech, C Pérez‐Rontomé, JJ Camarero, ...
New phytologist 180 (1), 133-142, 2008
Unravelling the mechanisms for plant survival on gypsum soils: an analysis of the chemical composition of gypsum plants from Turkey
A Bolukbasi, L Kurt, S Palacio
Plant Biology 18 (2), 271-279, 2016
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