Fahd Ebna Alam
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Cited by
Experimental investigation of the performance and emission characteristics of direct injection diesel engine by water emulsion diesel under varying engine load condition
MEA Fahd, Y Wenming, PS Lee, SK Chou, CR Yap
Applied Energy 102, 1042-1049, 2013
Emulsion fuel with novel nano-organic additives for diesel engine application
WM Yang, H An, SK Chou, S Vedharaji, R Vallinagam, M Balaji, ...
Fuel 104, 726-731, 2013
Isolated n-decane droplet combustion–Dual stage and single stage transition to “Cool Flame” droplet burning
TI Farouk, D Dietrich, FE Alam, FL Dryer
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 36 (2), 2523-2530, 2017
n-Butanol droplet combustion: Numerical modeling and reduced gravity experiments
FE Alam, YC Liu, CT Avedisian, FL Dryer, TI Farouk
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 35 (2), 1693-1700, 2015
Experimental study and empirical correlation development of fuel properties of waste cooking palm biodiesel and its diesel blends at elevated temperatures
MEA Fahd, PS Lee, SK Chou, Y Wenming, C Yap
Renewable energy 68, 282-288, 2014
Influence of trace nitrogen oxides on natural gas oxidation: Flow reactor measurements and kinetic modeling
FE Alam, FM Haas, TI Farouk, FL Dryer
Energy & Fuels 31 (3), 2360-2369, 2017
Combustion characteristics of butanol isomers in multiphase droplet configurations
Yu Cheng Liu, Fahd E. Alam , Yuhao Xu, Frederick L. Dryer, C. Thomas ...
Combustion & Flame 169, 216-228, 2016
Oscillatory cool flame combustion behavior of submillimeter sized n-alkane droplet under near limit conditions
FE Alam, AC Aghdam, FL Dryer, TI Farouk
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 37 (3), 3383-3391, 2019
Ozone assisted cool flame combustion of sub-millimeter sized n-alkane droplets at atmospheric and higher pressure
FE Alam, SH Won, FL Dryer, TI Farouk
Combustion and Flame 195, 220-231, 2018
Effectiveness of xenon as a fire suppressant under microgravity combustion environment
FE Alam, FL Dryer, TI Farouk
Combustion Science and Technology 188 (2), 145-165, 2016
Flow reactor measurements and kinetic modeling of nitrogen oxides (NOx) perturbed synthetic natural gas oxidation
FE Alam, FM Haas, TI Farouk, FL Dryer
2016 Spring Technical Meeting of the Eastern States Section of the …, 2016
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Articles 1–11