Derek Eager
Derek Eager
Professor of Computer Science, University of Saskatchewan
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Adaptive load sharing in homogeneous distributed systems
DL Eager, ED Lazowska, J Zahorjan
IEEE transactions on software engineering, 662-675, 1986
Speedup versus efficiency in parallel systems
DL Eager, J Zahorjan, ED Lazowska
IEEE transactions on computers 38 (3), 408-423, 1989
A comparison of receiver-initiated and sender-initiated adaptive load sharing
DL Eager, ED Lazowska, J Zahorjan
Performance evaluation 6 (1), 53-68, 1986
Minimizing bandwidth requirements for on-demand data delivery
D Eager, M Vernon, J Zahorjan
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 13 (5), 742-757, 2001
Analysis of educational media server workloads
JM Almeida, J Krueger, DL Eager, MK Vernon
Proceedings of the 11th international workshop on Network and operating …, 2001
Optimal and efficient merging schedules for video-on-demand servers
D Eager, M Vernon, J Zahorjan
Proceedings of the seventh ACM international conference on Multimedia (Part …, 1999
The limited performance benefits of migrating active processes for load sharing
DL Eager, ED Lazowska, J Zahorjan
Proceedings of the 1988 ACM SIGMETRICS conference on Measurement and …, 1988
Traffic analysis of a web proxy caching hierarchy
A Mahanti, C Williamson, D Eager
IEEE Network 14 (3), 16-23, 2002
The untold story of the clones: Content-agnostic factors that impact YouTube video popularity
Y Borghol, S Ardon, N Carlsson, D Eager, A Mahanti
Proceedings of the 18th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2012
Bandwidth skimming: A technique for cost-effective video on demand
DL Eager, MK Vernon, J Zahorjan
Multimedia Computing and Networking 2000 3969, 206-215, 1999
Hierarchical interconnection networks for multicomputer systems
SP Dandamudi, DL Eager
IEEE Transactions on Computers 39 (6), 786-797, 1990
Scheduling in multiprogrammed parallel systems
S Majumdar, DL Eager, RB Bunt
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 16 (1), 104-113, 1988
Dynamic skyscraper broadcasts for video-on-demand
DL Eager, MK Vernon
International Workshop on Multimedia Information Systems, 18-32, 1998
Achieving robustness in distributed database systems
DL Eager, KC Sevcik
ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS) 8 (3), 354-381, 1983
Balanced job bound analysis of queueing networks
J Zahorjan, KC Sevcik, DL Eager, B Galler
Communications of the ACM 25 (2), 134-141, 1982
Characterizing and modelling popularity of user-generated videos
Y Borghol, S Mitra, S Ardon, N Carlsson, D Eager, A Mahanti
Performance Evaluation 68 (11), 1037-1055, 2011
Achieving Load Balance and E ective Caching in Clustered Web Servers
RB Bunt, DL Eager, GM Oster, CL Williamson
Proc of the 4th International Web Caching Work 1, 999, 1999
A comparison of receiver-initiated and sender-initiated adaptive load sharing
DL Eager, ED Lazowska, J Zahorjan
Proceedings of the 1985 ACM SIGMETRICS conference on Measurement and …, 1985
Disk cache replacement policies for network fileservers
DL Willick, DL Eager, RB Bunt
[1993] Proceedings. The 13th International Conference on Distributed …, 1993
Temporal locality and its impact on web proxy cache performance
A Mahanti, D Eager, C Williamson
Performance Evaluation 42 (2-3), 187-203, 2000
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Articles 1–20