Jai Y. Yu
Jai Y. Yu
Assistant Professor, The University of Chicago
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Neuronal control of Drosophila courtship song
AC von Philipsborn, T Liu, JY Yu, C Masser, SS Bidaye, BJ Dickson
Neuron 69 (3), 509-522, 2011
Cellular organization of the neural circuit that drives Drosophila courtship behavior
JY Yu, MI Kanai, E Demir, GSXE Jefferis, BJ Dickson
Current biology 20 (18), 1602-1614, 2010
Sexual dimorphism in the fly brain
S Cachero, AD Ostrovsky, YY Jai, BJ Dickson, GSXE Jefferis
Current biology 20 (18), 1589-1601, 2010
Dopamine neurons modulate pheromone responses in Drosophila courtship learning
K Keleman, E Vrontou, S Krüttner, JY Yu, A Kurtovic-Kozaric, BJ Dickson
Nature 489 (7414), 145-149, 2012
Hippocampal–cortical interaction in decision making
JY Yu, LM Frank
Neurobiology of learning and memory 117, 34-41, 2015
Cell death provoked by loss of interleukin-3 signaling is independent of Bad, Bim, and PI3 kinase, but depends in part on Puma
PG Ekert, AM Jabbour, A Manoharan, JE Heraud, J Yu, M Pakusch, ...
Blood 108 (5), 1461-1468, 2006
Braingazer-visual queries for neurobiology research
S Bruckner, V Solteszova, E Groller, J Hladuvka, K Buhler, JY Yu, ...
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 15 (6), 1497-1504, 2009
Specific hippocampal representations are linked to generalized cortical representations in memory
JY Yu, DF Liu, A Loback, I Grossrubatscher, LM Frank
Nature communications 9 (1), 1-11, 2018
Distinct hippocampal-cortical memory representations for experiences associated with movement versus immobility
JY Yu, K Kay, DF Liu, I Grossrubatscher, A Loback, M Sosa, JE Chung, ...
Elife 6, e27621, 2017
Human Bcl-2 cannot directly inhibit the Caenorhabditis elegans Apaf-1 homologue CED-4, but can interact with EGL-1
AM Jabbour, MA Puryer, JY Yu, T Lithgow, CD Riffkin, DM Ashley, ...
Journal of cell science 119 (12), 2572-2582, 2006
Transcutaneous afferent patterned stimulation therapy reduces hand tremor for one hour in essential tremor patients
JY Yu, A Rajagopal, J Syrkin-Nikolau, S Shin, KH Rosenbluth, D Khosla, ...
Frontiers in neuroscience 14, 530300, 2020
Knock-in rat lines with Cre recombinase at the dopamine D1 and adenosine 2a receptor loci
JR Pettibone, JY Yu, RC Derman, TW Faust, ED Hughes, WE Filipiak, ...
Eneuro, 2019
Prefrontal cortical activity predicts the occurrence of nonlocal hippocampal representations during spatial navigation
JY Yu, LM Frank
PLoS biology 19 (9), e3001393, 2021
Sexual behaviour: do a few dead neurons make the difference?
JY Yu, BJ Dickson
Current biology 16 (1), R23-R25, 2006
Predictive therapy neurostimulation systems
EK Ross, S Shin, B Houston, S Balbaky, KH Hamner, SR, Rosenbluth, ...
EP Patent EP3856330B1, 2021
Knock-in rats expressing Cre and Flp recombinases at the Parvalbumin locus
JY Yu, JR Pettibone, C Guo, S Zhang, TL Saunders, ED Hughes, ...
bioRxiv, 386474, 2018
Hidden female talent
JY Yu, BJ Dickson
Nature 453 (7191), 41-42, 2008
Visual and Quantitative Analysis of Higher Order Arborization Overlaps for Neural Circuit Research.
N Swoboda, J Moosburner, S Bruckner, JY Yu, BJ Dickson, K Bühler
VCBM, 107-116, 2014
Inhibitor of apoptosis proteins and caspases
JY Yu, J Silke, PG Ekert
Apoptosis, Cell Signaling, and Human Diseases, 313-334, 2006
Persistent Impact of Prior Experience on Spatial Learning
MP Awh, KW Latimer, N Zhou, ZM Leveroni, AG Poon, ZM Stephens, ...
Eneuro 11 (9), 2024
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Articles 1–20