B Nedelec
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Cited by
Hypertrophic scars, keloids, and contractures: the cellular and molecular basis for therapy
EE Tredget, B Nedelec, PG Scott, A Ghahary
Surgical Clinics of North America 77 (3), 701-730, 1997
Decreased mortality and infectious morbidity in adult burn patients given enteral glutamine supplements: A prospective, controlled, randomized clinical trial (vol 31, pg 2444 …
D Garrel, J Patenaude, B Nedelec
CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE 32 (2), 621-621, 2004
Decreased mortality and infectious morbidity in adult burn patients given enteral glutamine supplements: a prospective, controlled, randomized clinical trial
D Garrel, J Patenaude, B Nedelec, L Samson, J Dorais, J Champoux, ...
Critical care medicine 31 (10), 2444-2449, 2003
Rating the resolving hypertrophic scar: comparison of the Vancouver Scar Scale and scar volume.
B Nedelec, HA Shankowsky, EE Tredget
Journal of Burn Care & Research 21 (3), 205&hyhen, 2000
What work means to people with work disability: a scoping review
SL Saunders, B Nedelec
Journal of occupational rehabilitation 24 (1), 100-110, 2014
Transforming Growth Factor-[beta] in Thermally Injured Patients with Hypertrophic Scars: Effects of Interferon [alpha]-2b.
EE Tredget, HA Shankowsky, R Pannu, B Nedelec, T Iwashina, ...
Plastic and reconstructive surgery 102 (5), 1317-1328, 1998
Control of wound contraction. Basic and clinical features.
B Nedelec, A Ghahary, PG Scott, EE Tredget
Hand clinics 16 (2), 289-302, 2000
Collagenase production is lower in post-burn hypertrophic scar fibroblasts than in normal fibroblasts and is reduced by insulin-like growth factor-1
A Ghahary, YJ Shen, B Nedelec, R Wang, PG Scott, EE Tredget
Journal of investigative dermatology 106 (3), 476-481, 1996
Burn rehabilitation and research: proceedings of a consensus summit
R Richard, MJ Baryza, JA Carr, WS Dewey, ME Dougherty, ...
Journal of Burn Care & Research 30 (4), 543-573, 2009
Myofibroblasts and apoptosis in human hypertrophic scars: The effect of interferon-α2b
B Nedelec, H Shankowsky, PG Scott, A Ghahary, EE Tredget
Surgery 130 (5), 798-808, 2001
Quantitative measurement of hypertrophic scar: interrater reliability and concurrent validity
B Nedelec, JA Correa, G Rachelska, A Armour, L LaSalle
Journal of burn care & research 29 (3), 501-511, 2008
Quantitative measurement of hypertrophic scar: intrarater reliability, sensitivity, and specificity
B Nedelec, JA Correa, G Rachelska, A Armour, L LaSalle
Journal of burn care & research 29 (3), 489-500, 2008
Delayed appearance of decorin in healing burn scars
K Sayani, CM Dodd, B Nedelec, YJ Shen, A Ghahary, EE Tredget, ...
Histopathology 36 (3), 262-272, 2000
Enhanced expression of mRNA for insulin-like growth factor-1 in post-burn hypertrophic scar tissue and its fibrogenic role by dermal fibroblasts
A Ghahary, YJ Shen, B Nedelec, PG Scott, EE Tredget
Molecular and cellular biochemistry 148 (1), 25-32, 1995
Skin characteristics: normative data for elasticity, erythema, melanin, and thickness at 16 different anatomical locations
B Nedelec, NJ Forget, T Hurtubise, S Cimino, F Muszka, A Legault, ...
Skin Research and Technology, 2015
Sensory perception and neuroanatomical structures in normal and grafted skin of burn survivors
B Nedelec, Q Hou, I Sohbi, M Choinière, G Beauregard, RW Dykes
Burns 31 (7), 817-830, 2005
Assessment of pruritus characteristics and impact on burn survivors
LKS Parnell, B Nedelec, G Rachelska, L LaSalle
Journal of Burn Care & Research 33 (3), 407-418, 2012
Summary of the 2012 ABA burn quality consensus conference
NS Gibran, S Wiechman, W Meyer, L Edelman, J Fauerbach, L Gibbons, ...
Journal of Burn Care & Research 34 (4), 361-385, 2013
Longitudinal burn scar quantification
B Nedelec, JA Correa, A de Oliveira, L LaSalle, I Perrault
Burns 40 (8), 1504-1512, 2014
Practice guidelines for the application of nonsilicone or silicone gels and gel sheets after burn injury
B Nedelec, A Carter, L Forbes, SCC Hsu, M McMahon, I Parry, CM Ryan, ...
Journal of Burn Care & Research 36 (3), 345-374, 2015
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Articles 1–20