Carlos M. Herrera (ORCID:0000-0003-2452-3888)
Carlos M. Herrera (ORCID:0000-0003-2452-3888)
Professor of Research, CSIC
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Cited by
Recruitment of a mast‐fruiting, bird‐dispersed tree: bridging frugivore activity and seedling establishment
CM Herrera, P Jordano, L Lopez-Soria, JA Amat
Ecological Monographs 64 (3), 315-344, 1994
Plant-Animal Interactions. An Evolutionary Approach
CM Herrera, O Pellmyr
Blackwell Science, Oxford, 2002
Components of pollinator "quality": comparative analysis of a diverse insect assemblage
CM Herrera
Oikos 50 (1), 79-90, 1987
A study of avian frugivores, bird-dispersed plants, and their interaction in Mediterranean scrublands
CM Herrera
Ecological Monographs 54 (1), 1-23, 1984
Seed dispersal by vertebrates.
CM Herrera
Plant-animal interactions: an evolutionary approach, 185-208, 2002
Variation in mutualisms: the spatio-temporal mosaic of a pollinator assemblage
CM Herrera
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 35 (2), 95-125, 1988
Annual variability in seed production by woody plants and the masting concept: reassessment of principles and relationship to pollination and seed dispersal
CM Herrera, P Jordano, J Guitián, A Traveset
The American Naturalist 152 (4), 576-594, 1998
Frugivory and seed dispersal by carnivorous mammals, and associated fruit characteristics, in undisturbed Mediterranean habitats
CM Herrera
Oikos 55 (2), 250-262, 1989
Vertebrate-dispersed plants of the Iberian Peninsula: a study of fruit characteristics
CM Herrera
Ecological Monographs 57 (4), 305-331, 1987
Floral traits and plant adaptation to insect pollinators: a devil's advocate approach
CM Herrera
Floral biology: studies on floral evolution in animal-pollinated plants, 65-87, 1996
Determinants of plant-animal coevolution: the case of mutualistic dispersal of seeds by vertebrates
CM Herrera
Oikos 44 (1), 132-141, 1985
Long-term dynamics of mediterranean frugivorous birds and fleshy fruits: a 12-year study
CM Herrera
Ecological Monographs 68 (4), 511-538, 1998
Plant-vertebrate seed dispersal systems in the Mediterranean: ecological, evolutionary, and historical determinants
CM Herrera
Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 26, 705-727, 1995
Historical effects and sorting processes as explanations for contemporary ecological patterns: character syndromes in Mediterranean woody plants
CM Herrera
American Naturalist 140 (3), 421-446, 1992
Pollinator abundance, morphology, and flower visitation rate: analysis of the “quantity” component in a plant-pollinator system
CM Herrera
Oecologia 80, 241-248, 1989
Seasonal variation in the quality of fruits and diffuse coevolution between plants and avian dispersers
CM Herrera
Ecology 63 (3), 773-785, 1982
Lista roja de la Flora Vascular de Andalucía
B Cabezudo, S Talavera, G Blanca, C Salazar, M Cueto, B Valdés, ...
Consejerıa de Medio Ambiente, Junta de Andalucıa, Seville, Spain, 2005
Defense of ripe fruit from pests: its significance in relation to plant-disperser interactions
CM Herrera
American Naturalist 120 (2), 218-241, 1982
Prunus mahaleb and birds: the high-efficiency seed dispersal system of a temperate fruiting tree
CM Herrera, P Jordano
Ecological Monographs 51 (2), 203-218, 1981
Epigenetic differentiation and relationship to adaptive genetic divergence in discrete populations of the violet Viola cazorlensis
CM Herrera, P Bazaga
New Phytologist 187 (3), 867-876, 2010
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Articles 1–20