Angels Rates-Borras
Angels Rates-Borras
Ph.D. Candidate, Northeastern University
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Cited by
A systematic evaluation and benchmark for person re-identification: Features, metrics, and datasets
M Gou, Z Wu, A Rates-Borras, O Camps, RJ Radke
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 41 (3), 523-536, 2018
A comprehensive evaluation and benchmark for person re-identification: Features, metrics, and datasets
S Karanam, M Gou, Z Wu, A Rates-Borras, O Camps, RJ Radke
arXiv preprint arXiv:1605.09653 2 (3), 5, 2016
Person re-identification in appearance impaired scenarios
M Gou, X Zhang, A Rates-Borras, S Asghari-Esfeden, M Sznaier, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1604.00367, 2016
A systematic evaluation and benchmark for person re-identification: features, metrics, and datasets
S Karanam, M Gou, Z Wu, A Rates-Borras, O Camps, RJ Radke, A Bera, ...
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 0
Bioelectrical Signal Processing in Cardiology: Inverse solution mapping on epicardial and endocardial potentials
A Rates-Borras
Northeastern University, 2015
Person Re-id in Appearance Impaired Scenarios
M Gou, X Zhang, A Rates-Borras, S Asghari-Esfeden, O Camps, ...
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