Ariane Hollub Secrest
Ariane Hollub Secrest
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Citované v
Assessing male spousal engagement with prevention of mother-to-child transmission (pMTCT) programs in western Kenya
M Reece, A Hollub, M Nangami, K Lane
AIDS care 22 (6), 743-750, 2010
The Female Genital Self-Image Scale (FGSIS): Validation among a sample of female college students
AL DeMaria, AV Hollub, D Herbenick
The journal of sexual medicine 9 (3), 708-718, 2012
Young female breast cancer survivors: Their sexual function and interest in sexual enhancement products and services
D Herbenick, M Reece, A Hollub, S Satinsky, B Dodge
Cancer nursing 31 (6), 417-425, 2008
Using genital self‐image, body image, and sexual behaviors to predict gynecological exam behaviors of college women
AL DeMaria, AV Hollub, D Herbenick
The journal of sexual medicine 8 (9), 2484-2492, 2011
A psychometric assessment of the multi-factor attitude toward condoms scale (MFACS)
M Reece, D Herbenick, AV Hollub, DJ Hensel, SE Middlestadt
International Journal of Sexual Health 22 (2), 119-129, 2010
College students and condom attitude: validation of the Multi-Factor Attitude toward Condoms Scale (MFACS)
AV Hollub, M Reece, D Herbenick, DJ Hensel, SE Middlestadt
Journal of American College Health 59 (8), 708-714, 2011
T09-O-18 Young female breast cancer survivors: their sexual function and interest in sexual enhancement products and services
D Herbenick, M Reece, A Hollub, S Satinsky, B Dodge
Sexologies 17, S122, 2008
The effectiveness of occupational, physical, and speech therapy home health care in early childhood
AV Hollub, J Freeman, S Ward
Pediatrics 141 (1_MeetingAbstract), 45-45, 2018
An assessment of the psychometric properties of a scale developed to measure the multiple dimensions underlying attitude toward condoms
AV Hollub
Indiana University, 2009
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