Yun (Raymond) Fei
Cited by
Cited by
Solver-in-the-Loop: Learning from Differentiable Physics to Interact with Iterative PDE-Solvers
K Um, R Brand, YR Fei, P Holl, N Thuerey
NeurIPS 2020, 34, 2020
Parallel L-BFGS-B algorithm on gpu
Y Fei, G Rong, B Wang, W Wang
Computers & graphics 40, 1-9, 2014
A Multi-Scale Model for Simulating Liquid-Fabric Interactions
YR Fei, C Batty, E Grinspun, C Zheng
ACM Transactions on Graphics 37 (4), 2018
Computational Design of Metallophone Contact Sounds
G Bharaj, DIW Levin, J Tompkin, Y Fei, H Pfister, W Matusik, C Zheng
ACM Transactions on Graphics 34 (6), 2015
A Multi-Scale Model for Simulating Liquid-Hair Interactions
YR Fei, HT Maia, C Batty, C Zheng, E Grinspun
ACM Transactions on Graphics 36 (4), 18, 2017
Bilateral blue noise sampling
J Chen, X Ge, LY Wei, B Wang, Y Wang, H Wang, Y Fei, KL Qian, ...
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 32 (6), 1-11, 2013
Towards Photo Watercolorization with Artistic Verisimilitude
M Wang, B Wang, Y Fei, KL Qian, W Wang, J Chen, JH Yong
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 1-10, 2014
Revisiting Integration in the Material Point Method: A Scheme for Easier Separation and Less Dissipation
YR Fei, Q Guo, R Wu, L Huang, M Gao
ACM Transactions on Graphics 40 (4), 109:1--109:16, 2021
Interactive Acoustic Transfer Approximation for Modal Sound
D Li, Y Fei, C Zheng
ACM Transactions on Graphics 35 (4), 2016
Point-tessellated voxelization
Y Fei, B Wang, J Chen
Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2012, 9-18, 2012
A Multi-Scale Model for Coupling Strands with Shear-Dependent Liquid
YR Fei, C Batty, E Grinspun, C Zheng
ACM Transactions on Graphics 38 (6), 190:1--190:20, 2019
Mechanics-Aware Modeling of Cloth Appearance
Z Montazeri, C Xiao, YR Fei, C Zheng, Z Shuang
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2019
Progressive Simulation for Cloth Quasistatics
JE Zhang, J Dumas, YR Fei, A Jacobson, DL James, DM Kaufman
ACM Transactions on Graphics 41 (6), 16, 2022
SmartGuide: Towards Single-image Building Localization with Smartphone
X Xiong, Z Yang, L Shangguan, Y Fei, M Stojmenovi, Y Liu
16th ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing …, 2015
Principles towards Real-Time Simulation of Material Point Method on Modern GPUs
YR Fei, Y Huang, M Gao
arXiv 2111 (00699), 19, 2021
Progressive Shell Quasistatics for Unstructured Meshes
JE Zhang, J Dumas, YR Fei, A Jacobson, DL James, DM Kaufman
ACM Transactions on Graphics 42 (6), 2023
Fast multi-image-based photon tracing with grid-based gathering
Y Fei, B Wang
ACM SIGGRAPH 2012 Posters, 1-1, 2012
Modeling interfaces with progressive cloth simulation
D Kaufman, Y Fei, J Dumas, A Jacobson, J Zhang
US Patent App. 17/989,239, 2024
Trading Spaces: Adaptive Subspace Time Integration for Contacting Elastodynamics
T Trusty, YR Fei, D Levin, D Kaufman
ACM Transactions on Graphics 43 (6), 16, 2024
Heuristic scheme in material point method for simulating material
Y Fei, M Gao, Q Guo, R Wu
US Patent 11,373,353, 2022
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Articles 1–20