Jie Xu
Cited by
Cited by
The Evolution of the Recovery Block Concept
B Randell, J Xu
Software fault tolerance, 1995
Fog orchestration for internet of things services
Z Wen, R Yang, P Garraghan, T Lin, J Xu, M Rovatsos
IEEE Internet Computing 21 (2), 16-24, 2017
Origin-destination matrix prediction via graph convolution: a new perspective of passenger demand modeling
Y Wang, H Yin, H Chen, T Wo, J Xu, K Zheng
Proceedings of the 25th ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge …, 2019
Image–text sentiment analysis via deep multimodal attentive fusion
F Huang, X Zhang, Z Zhao, J Xu, Z Li
Knowledge-Based Systems 167, 26-37, 2019
Fault tolerance in concurrent object-oriented software through coordinated error recovery
J Xu, B Randell, A Romanovsky, CMF Rubira, RJ Stroud, Z Wu
Twenty-Fifth International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing. Digest of …, 1995
Survey of target tracking protocols using wireless sensor network
S Bhatti, J Xu
2009 Fifth International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications …, 2009
Fuxi: a fault-tolerant resource management and job scheduling system at internet scale
Z Zhang, C Li, Y Tao, R Yang, H Tang, J Xu
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 7 (13), 1393-1404, 2014
Analysis, modeling and simulation of workload patterns in a large-scale utility cloud
IS Moreno, P Garraghan, P Townend, J Xu
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing 2 (2), 208-221, 2014
A comparative study of exception handling mechanisms for building dependable object-oriented software
AF Garcia, CMF Rubira, A Romanovsky, J Xu
Journal of systems and software 59 (2), 197-222, 2001
Multi-tenancy in cloud computing
H AlJahdali, A Albatli, P Garraghan, P Townend, L Lau, J Xu
2014 IEEE 8th international symposium on service oriented system engineering …, 2014
Early career researchers and their publishing and authorship practices
D Nicholas, B Rodríguez‐Bravo, A Watkinson, C Boukacem‐Zeghmouri, ...
Learned Publishing 30 (3), 205-217, 2017
Simple unsupervised graph representation learning
Y Mo, L Peng, J Xu, X Shi, X Zhu
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 36 (7), 7797-7805, 2022
Holistic virtual machine scheduling in cloud datacenters towards minimizing total energy
X Li, P Garraghan, X Jiang, Z Wu, J Xu
IEEE Transactions on parallel and distributed systems 29 (6), 1317-1331, 2017
Where and how early career researchers find scholarly information
D Nicholas, C Boukacem‐Zeghmouri, B Rodríguez‐Bravo, J Xu, ...
Learned Publishing 30 (1), 19-29, 2017
An approach for characterizing workloads in google cloud to derive realistic resource utilization models
IS Moreno, P Garraghan, P Townend, J Xu
2013 IEEE seventh international symposium on service-oriented system …, 2013
Dynamic data integration using web services
F Zhu, M Turner, I Kotsiopoulos, K Bennett, M Russell, D Budgena, ...
Proceedings. IEEE International Conference on Web Services, 2004., 262-269, 2004
Software sustainability: The modern tower of babel
CC Venters, C Jay, LMS Lau, MK Griffiths, V Holmes, RR Ward, J Austin, ...
CEUR Workshop proceedings 1216, 7-12, 2014
A novel intrusion severity analysis approach for Clouds
J Arshad, P Townend, J Xu
Future Generation Computer Systems 29 (1), 416-428, 2013
Throughput maximization for laser-powered UAV wireless communication systems
J Ouyang, Y Che, J Xu, K Wu
2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC …, 2018
An empirical failure-analysis of a large-scale cloud computing environment
P Garraghan, P Townend, J Xu
2014 IEEE 15th International Symposium on High-Assurance Systems Engineering …, 2014
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Articles 1–20