Raghvendra Rohit
Raghvendra Rohit
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Roorkee
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Cited by
sLiSCP: Simeck-based permutations for lightweight sponge cryptographic primitives
R AlTawy, R Rohit, M He, K Mandal, G Yang, G Gong
Selected Areas in Cryptography–SAC 2017: 24th International Conference …, 2018
ACE: An authenticated encryption and hash algorithm
M Aagaard, R AlTawy, G Gong, K Mandal, R Rohit
Submission to NIST-LWC (announced as round 2 candidate on August 30, 2019), 2019
Full key recovery of ACORN with a single fault
P Dey, RS Rohit, A Adhikari
Journal of Information Security and Applications 29, 57-64, 2016
Misuse-free key-recovery and distinguishing attacks on 7-round ascon
R Rohit, K Hu, S Sarkar, S Sun
Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2021
SLISCP-light: Towards Hardware Optimized Sponge-specific Cryptographic Permutations
R Altawy, R Rohit, M He, K Mandal, G Yang, G Gong
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS) 17 (4), 1-26, 2018
WAGE: an authenticated encryption with a twist
R AlTawy, G Gong, K Mandal, R Rohit
IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology, 132-159, 2020
Differential fault analysis on Tiaoxin and AEGIS family of ciphers
P Dey, RS Rohit, S Sarkar, A Adhikari
International Symposium on Security in Computing and Communication, 74-86, 2016
Constructions and analysis of some efficient --visual cryptographic schemes using linear algebraic techniques
S Dutta, RS Rohit, A Adhikari
Designs, Codes and Cryptography 80 (1), 165-196, 2016
Diving deep into the weak keys of round reduced Ascon
R Rohit, S Sarkar
IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology, 74-99, 2021
Towards tight differential bounds of Ascon: a hybrid usage of SMT and MILP
RH Makarim, R Rohit
IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology, 303-340, 2022
Spix: An authenticated cipher submission to the NIST LWC competition
R AlTawy, G Gong, M He, K Mandal, R Rohit
Submitted to NIST Lightweight Standardization Process, 2019
WAGE: An authenticated cipher
M Aagaard, R AlTawy, G Gong, K Mandal, R Rohit, N Zidaric
Submission to NIST Lightweight Cryptography Standardization Project …, 2019
Towards a cryptographic minimal design: The sLiSCP family of permutations
R AlTawy, R Rohit, M He, K Mandal, G Yang, G Gong
IEEE Transactions on Computers 67 (9), 1341-1358, 2018
SPIX: An authenticated cipher
R AlTawy, G Gong, M He, K Mandal, R Rohit
Submission to NIST-LWC (announced as round 2 candidate on August 30, 2019), 2019
Milp-based cube attack on the reduced-round WG-5 lightweight stream cipher
R Rohit, R AlTawy, G Gong
IMA international conference on cryptography and coding, 333-351, 2017
R AlTawy, G Gong, M He, A Jha, K Mandal, M Nandi, R Rohit
Submission to NIST LwC Standardization Process (Round 2), 2019
Cryptanalysis of reduced round SPEEDY
R Rohit, S Sarkar
International Conference on Cryptology in Africa, 133-149, 2022
Correlated sequence attack on reduced-round simon-32/64 and simeck-32/64
R Rohit, G Gong
Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2018
Correlation power analysis and higher-order masking implementation of WAGE
Y Fei, G Gong, C Gongye, K Mandal, R Rohit, T Xu, Y Yi, N Zidaric
Selected Areas in Cryptography: 27th International Conference, Halifax, NS …, 2021
Design and cryptanalysis of lightweight symmetric key primitives
R Rohit
University of Waterloo, 2020
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Articles 1–20