Heather Raye Dial
Heather Raye Dial
Assistant Professor, University of Houston
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Raising doubt in letters of recommendation for academia: Gender differences and their impact
JM Madera, MR Hebl, H Dial, R Martin, V Valian
Journal of Business and Psychology 34, 287-303, 2019
Treatment for word retrieval in semantic and logopenic variants of primary progressive aphasia: Immediate and long-term outcomes
ML Henry, HI Hubbard, SM Grasso, HR Dial, PM Beeson, BL Miller, ...
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 62 (8), 2723-2749, 2019
Investigating the utility of teletherapy in individuals with primary progressive aphasia
HR Dial, HA Hinshelwood, SM Grasso, HI Hubbard, ML Gorno-Tempini, ...
Clinical Interventions in Aging, 453-471, 2019
Evaluating the relationship between sublexical and lexical processing in speech perception: Evidence from aphasia
H Dial, R Martin
Neuropsychologia 96, 192-212, 2017
Behavioral treatment for speech and language in primary progressive aphasia and primary progressive apraxia of speech: A systematic review
LD Wauters, K Croot, HR Dial, JR Duffy, SM Grasso, E Kim, ...
Neuropsychology review 34 (3), 882-923, 2024
Cortical tracking of the speech envelope in logopenic variant primary progressive aphasia
HR Dial, GN Gnanateja, RS Tessmer, ML Gorno-Tempini, ...
Frontiers in human neuroscience 14, 597694, 2021
Lexical processing depends on sublexical processing: Evidence from the visual world paradigm and aphasia
HR Dial, B McMurray, RC Martin
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 81, 1047-1064, 2019
Interaction of attention and acoustic factors in dichotic listening for fused words
K McCulloch, N Lachner Bass, H Dial, M Hiscock, B Jansen
Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition 22 (4), 473-494, 2017
Dementia-Alzheimer’s Disease
A Hockley, D Moll, J Littlejohns, Z Collett, C Henshall, LD Wauters, ...
Epilepsy & Behavior 121, 108042, 2024
On the role of neural oscillations across timescales in speech and music processing
GN Gnanateja, DS Devaraju, M Heyne, YM Quique, KR Sitek, MC Tardif, ...
Frontiers in computational neuroscience 16, 872093, 2022
Word deafness with preserved number word perception
S Fischer-Baum, R Mis, H Dial
Cognitive neuropsychology 35 (8), 415-429, 2018
Baseline structural imaging correlates of treatment outcomes in semantic variant primary progressive aphasia
HR Dial, E Europa, SM Grasso, ML Mandelli, KM Schaffer, HI Hubbard, ...
Cortex 158, 158-175, 2023
Recruitment and Selection
CA Henle, BR Dineen, MK Duffy, AK Buehl, KG Melchers, T Macan, ...
Investigating changes in connected speech in nonfluent/agrammatic primary progressive aphasia following script training
KV Berstis
Neural encoding of phonetic features relates to phonological processing in PPA
H Dial, B Zinszer, B Chandrasekaran, M Henry
56th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Aphasia., Montreal, Canada, 2018
A shared serial order system for verbal working memory and language production: Evidence from aphasia
Y Tian, HR Dial, RC Martin, S Fischer-Baum
Cognitive Neuropsychology, 1-30, 2025
Behavioral treatment for speech and language in primary progressive aphasia and primary progressive apraxia of speech: A systematic review [Data set]
ML Henry, LD Wauters, K Croot, HR Dial, J Duffy, S Grasso, E Kim, ...
OSF, 2023
Effects of lexical retrieval treatment on written naming in primary progressive Aphasia
C Miller, MK O’Connell, K Berstis, E Europa, SM Grasso, G Robinaugh, ...
EasyChair, 2021
Non-perceptual regions in the left supramarginal gyrus support phonological short-term memory: evidence from lesion-symptom mapping and fMRI studies
Q Yue, H Dial, R Martin
Fifty-fourth Annual Academy of Aphasia Meeting, Llandudno, UK, 2016
Evaluating proposed dorsal and ventral route functions in speech perception and phonological short-term memory: Evidence from aphasia
HR Dial, R Martin
Frontiers in Psychology, Conference Abstract: Academy of Aphasia 53rd Annual …, 2015
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Articles 1–20