Robin Milhausen
Robin Milhausen
Professor, Human Sexuality and Family Relations, University of Guelph
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Turning on and turning off: A focus group study of the factors that affect women's sexual arousal
CA Graham, SA Sanders, RR Milhausen, KR McBride
Archives of sexual behavior 33, 527-538, 2004
Infidelity in heterosexual couples: Demographic, interpersonal, and personality-related predictors of extradyadic sex
KP Mark, E Janssen, RR Milhausen
Archives of sexual behavior 40, 971-982, 2011
Does the sexual double standard still exist? Perceptions of university women
RR Milhausen, ES Herold
Journal of sex research 36 (4), 361-368, 1999
Dominant heterosexual sexual scripts in emerging adulthood: Conceptualization and measurement
JK Sakaluk, LM Todd, R Milhausen, NJ Lachowsky, ...
The Journal of Sex Research 51 (5), 516-531, 2014
Reconceptualizing the sexual double standard
RR Milhausen, ES Herold
Journal of Psychology & Human Sexuality 13 (2), 63-83, 2002
Condom use errors and problems: a global view
SA Sanders, WL Yarber, EL Kaufman, RA Crosby, CA Graham, ...
Sexual health 9 (1), 81-95, 2012
The sexual excitation/sexual inhibition inventory for women: Psychometric properties
CA Graham, SA Sanders, RR Milhausen
Archives of sexual behavior 35, 397-409, 2006
Sexual desire and relationship duration in young men and women
SH Murray, RR Milhausen
Journal of sex & marital therapy 38 (1), 28-40, 2012
Relationships between body image, body composition, sexual functioning, and sexual satisfaction among heterosexual young adults
RR Milhausen, AC Buchholz, EA Opperman, LE Benson
Archives of sexual behavior 44, 1621-1633, 2015
Misclassification bias: Diversity in conceptualisations about having ‘had sex’
SA Sanders, BJ Hill, WL Yarber, CA Graham, RA Crosby, RR Milhausen
Sexual health 7 (1), 31-34, 2010
A decade in review: building on the experiences of past adolescent STI/HIV interventions to optimise future prevention efforts
JM Sales, RR Milhausen, RJ DiClemente
Sexually transmitted infections 82 (6), 431-436, 2006
The relationship between body image and domains of sexual functioning among heterosexual, emerging adult women
C Quinn-Nilas, L Benson, RR Milhausen, AC Buchholz, M Goncalves
Sexual Medicine 4 (3), e182-e189, 2016
Brief report: Sexual sensation seeking and its relationship to risky sexual behaviour among African-American adolescent females
JS Spitalnick, RJ DiClemente, GM Wingood, RA Crosby, RR Milhausen, ...
Journal of adolescence 30 (1), 165-173, 2007
Factors influencing university students’ explicit and implicit sexual double standards
JK Sakaluk, RR Milhausen
Journal of Sex Research 49 (5), 464-476, 2012
Validation of a parent-adolescent communication scale for use in STD/HIV prevention interventions
JMD Sales, RR Milhausen, GM Wingood, RJ DiClemente, LF Salazar, ...
Health Education & Behavior 35 (3), 332-345, 2008
Predicting sexual problems in women: The relevance of sexual excitation and sexual inhibition
SA Sanders, CA Graham, RR Milhausen
Archives of sexual behavior 37, 241-251, 2008
Validation of the sexual excitation/sexual inhibition inventory for women and men
RR Milhausen, CA Graham, SA Sanders, WL Yarber, SB Maitland
Archives of sexual behavior 39, 1091-1104, 2010
Sexual identity and sexual well-being in female heterosexual university students
A Muise, M Preyde, SB Maitland, RR Milhausen
Archives of Sexual Behavior 39, 915-925, 2010
Men with broken condoms: who and why?
RA Crosby, WL Yarber, SA Sanders, CA Graham, K McBride, ...
Sexually transmitted infections 83 (1), 71-75, 2007
Rural and nonrural African American high school students and STD/HIV sexual-risk behaviors
RR Milhausen, R Crosby, WL Yarber, RJ DiClemente, GM Wingood, ...
American Journal of Health Behavior 27 (4), 373-379, 2003
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