Roland G. Henry
Roland G. Henry
Distinguished Professor, Neurology, University of California San Francisco
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Diffusion tensor MR imaging and fiber tractography: theoretic underpinnings
P Mukherjee, JI Berman, SW Chung, CP Hess, RG Henry
American journal of neuroradiology 29 (4), 632-641, 2008
Clemastine fumarate as a remyelinating therapy for multiple sclerosis (ReBUILD): a randomised, controlled, double-blind, crossover trial
AJ Green, JM Gelfand, BA Cree, C Bevan, WJ Boscardin, F Mei, J Inman, ...
The Lancet 390 (10111), 2481-2489, 2017
Preoperative proton MR spectroscopic imaging of brain tumors: correlation with histopathologic analysis of resection specimens
C Dowling, AW Bollen, SM Noworolski, MW McDermott, NM Barbaro, ...
American journal of neuroradiology 22 (4), 604-612, 2001
Diffusion tensor MR imaging and fiber tractography: technical considerations
P Mukherjee, SW Chung, JI Berman, CP Hess, RG Henry
American Journal of Neuroradiology 29 (5), 843-852, 2008
Long‐term evolution of multiple sclerosis disability in the treatment era
University of California, San Francisco MS‐EPIC Team:, BAC Cree, ...
Annals of neurology 80 (4), 499-510, 2016
Diffusion-weighted MRI hyperintensity patterns differentiate CJD from other rapid dementias
P Vitali, E Maccagnano, E Caverzasi, RG Henry, A Haman, ...
Neurology 76 (20), 1711-1719, 2011
Diffusion-weighted and fluid-attenuated inversion recovery imaging in Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: high sensitivity and specificity for diagnosis
GS Young, MD Geschwind, NJ Fischbein, JL Martindale, RG Henry, S Liu, ...
American Journal of Neuroradiology 26 (6), 1551-1562, 2005
The central vein sign and its clinical evaluation for the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis: a consensus statement from the North American Imaging in Multiple Sclerosis Cooperative
P Sati, J Oh, RT Constable, N Evangelou, CRG Guttmann, RG Henry, ...
Nature Reviews Neurology 12 (12), 714-722, 2016
Diffusion tensor imaging: serial quantitation of white matter tract maturity in premature newborns
SC Partridge, P Mukherjee, RG Henry, SP Miller, JI Berman, H Jin, Y Lu, ...
Neuroimage 22 (3), 1302-1314, 2004
Serial quantitative diffusion tensor MRI of the premature brain: development in newborns with and without injury
SP Miller, DB Vigneron, RG Henry, MA Bohland, C Ceppi‐Cozzio, ...
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging: An Official Journal of the …, 2002
Silent progression in disease activity–free relapsing multiple sclerosis
University of California, San Francisco MS‐EPIC Team, BAC Cree, ...
Annals of neurology 85 (5), 653-666, 2019
White matter damage in primary progressive aphasias: a diffusion tensor tractography study
S Galantucci, MC Tartaglia, SM Wilson, ML Henry, M Filippi, F Agosta, ...
Brain 134 (10), 3011-3029, 2011
A voxel-based morphometry study of patterns of brain atrophy in ALS and ALS/FTLD
JL Chang, C Lomen-Hoerth, J Murphy, RG Henry, JH Kramer, BL Miller, ...
Neurology 65 (1), 75-80, 2005
Diffusion-tensor imaging—guided tracking of fibers of the pyramidal tract combined with intraoperative cortical stimulation mapping in patients with gliomas
JI Berman, MS Berger, P Mukherjee, RG Henry
Journal of neurosurgery 101 (1), 66-72, 2004
Neural stem cell engraftment and myelination in the human brain
N Gupta, RG Henry, J Strober, SM Kang, DA Lim, M Bucci, E Caverzasi, ...
Science translational medicine 4 (155), 155ra137-155ra137, 2012
Regional grey matter atrophy in clinically isolated syndromes at presentation
RG Henry, M Shieh, DT Okuda, A Evangelista, ML Gorno-Tempini, ...
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 79 (11), 1236-1244, 2008
Language networks in semantic dementia
F Agosta, RG Henry, R Migliaccio, J Neuhaus, BL Miller, NF Dronkers, ...
Brain 133 (1), 286-299, 2010
Brain MRI atrophy quantification in MS: from methods to clinical application
MA Rocca, M Battaglini, RHB Benedict, N De Stefano, JJG Geurts, ...
Neurology 88 (4), 403-413, 2017
Continuum of frontal lobe impairment in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
JM Murphy, RG Henry, S Langmore, JH Kramer, BL Miller, ...
Archives of neurology 64 (4), 530-534, 2007
Quantitative diffusion tensor MRI fiber tractography of sensorimotor white matter development in premature infants
JI Berman, P Mukherjee, SC Partridge, SP Miller, DM Ferriero, ...
Neuroimage 27 (4), 862-871, 2005
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