Troy Butler
Troy Butler
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Data assimilation within the Advanced Circulation (ADCIRC) modeling framework for the estimation of Manning’s friction coefficient
T Mayo, T Butler, C Dawson, I Hoteit
Ocean Modelling 76, 43-58, 2014
Combining push-forward measures and Bayes' rule to construct consistent solutions to stochastic inverse problems
T Butler, J Jakeman, T Wildey
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 40 (2), A984-A1011, 2018
A Measure-Theoretic Computational Method for Inverse Sensitivity Problems I: Method and Analysis
J Breidt, T Butler, D Estep
SIAM J. Numer. Analysis 49, 1836-1859, 2011
A computational measure theoretic approach to inverse sensitivity problems II: A posteriori error analysis
T Butler, D Estep, J Sandelin
SIAM journal on numerical analysis 50 (1), 22-45, 2012
A measure-theoretic computational method for inverse sensitivity problems III: Multiple quantities of interest
T Butler, D Estep, S Tavener, C Dawson, JJ Westerink
SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 2 (1), 174-202, 2014
A posteriori error analysis of stochastic differential equations using polynomial chaos expansions
T Butler, C Dawson, T Wildey
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 33 (3), 1267-1291, 2011
Data assimilation within the advanced circulation (ADCIRC) modeling framework for hurricane storm surge forecasting
T Butler, MU Altaf, C Dawson, I Hoteit, X Luo, T Mayo
Monthly Weather Review 140 (7), 2215-2231, 2012
A posteriori error analysis of parameterized linear systems using spectral methods
T Butler, P Constantine, T Wildey
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 33 (1), 195-209, 2012
Definition and solution of a stochastic inverse problem for the Manning’sn parameter field in hydrodynamic models
T Butler, L Graham, D Estep, C Dawson, JJ Westerink
Advances in water resources 78, 60-79, 2015
Propagation of uncertainties using improved surrogate models
T Butler, C Dawson, T Wildey
SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 1 (1), 164-191, 2013
A comparison of ensemble Kalman filters for storm surge assimilation
MU Altaf, T Butler, T Mayo, X Luo, C Dawson, AW Heemink, I Hoteit
Monthly Weather Review 142 (8), 2899-2914, 2014
Improving short-range ensemble Kalman storm surge forecasting using robust adaptive inflation
MU Altaf, T Butler, X Luo, C Dawson, T Mayo, I Hoteit
Monthly Weather Review 141 (8), 2705-2720, 2013
Convergence of probability densities using approximate models for forward and inverse problems in uncertainty quantification
T Butler, J Jakeman, T Wildey
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 40 (5), A3523-A3548, 2018
Adjoint-based accelerated adaptive refinement in frequency domain 3-D finite element method scattering problems
JJ Harmon, C Key, D Estep, T Butler, BM Notaro¹
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 69 (2), 940-949, 2020
A measure-theoretic algorithm for estimating bottom friction in a coastal inlet: Case study of bay St. Louis during hurricane Gustav (2008)
L Graham, T Butler, S Walsh, C Dawson, JJ Westerink
Monthly Weather Review 145 (3), 929-954, 2017
Parameter estimation and prediction for groundwater contamination based on measure theory
SA Mattis, TD Butler, CN Dawson, D Estep, VV Vesselinov
Water Resources Research 51 (9), 7608-7629, 2015
Data-driven uncertainty quantification for predictive flow and transport modeling using support vector machines
J He, SA Mattis, TD Butler, CN Dawson
Computational Geosciences 23, 631-645, 2019
Data-consistent inversion for stochastic input-to-output maps
T Butler, T Wildey, TY Yen
Inverse Problems 36 (8), 085015, 2020
Solving stochastic inverse problems using sigma-algebras on contour maps
T Butler, D Estep, S Tavener, T Wildey, C Dawson, L Graham
arXiv preprint arXiv:1407.3851, 2014
A measure-theoretic interpretation of sample based numerical integration with applications to inverse and prediction problems under uncertainty
T Butler, L Graham, S Mattis, S Walsh
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 39 (5), A2072-A2098, 2017
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