Hearing gesture: How our hands help us think S Goldin-Meadow Harvard University Press, 2005 | 2402 | 2005 |
Gesture paves the way for language development JM Iverson, S Goldin-Meadow Psychological science 16 (5), 367-371, 2005 | 1648 | 2005 |
Explaining math: Gesturing lightens the load S Goldin-Meadow, H Nusbaum, SD Kelly, S Wagner Psychological science 12 (6), 516-522, 2001 | 1211 | 2001 |
The role of gesture in communication and thinking S Goldin-Meadow Trends in cognitive sciences 3 (11), 419-429, 1999 | 1083 | 1999 |
The resilience of language: What gesture creation in deaf children can tell us about how all children learn language S Goldin-Meadow | 983 | 2003 |
The mismatch between gesture and speech as an index of transitional knowledge RB Church, S Goldin-Meadow Cognition 23 (1), 43-71, 1986 | 947 | 1986 |
Gesturing makes learning last SW Cook, Z Mitchell, S Goldin-Meadow Cognition 106 (2), 1047-1058, 2008 | 812 | 2008 |
Language in mind: Advances in the study of language and thought D Gentner Cambridge: MIT Press, 2003 | 809 | 2003 |
Why people gesture when they speak JM Iverson, S Goldin-Meadow Nature 396 (6708), 228-228, 1998 | 797 | 1998 |
Gesturing gives children new ideas about math S Goldin-Meadow, SW Cook, ZA Mitchell Psychological science 20 (3), 267-272, 2009 | 734 | 2009 |
Parent praise to 1‐to 3‐year‐olds predicts children's motivational frameworks 5 years later EA Gunderson, SJ Gripshover, C Romero, CS Dweck, S Goldin‐Meadow, ... Child development 84 (5), 1526-1541, 2013 | 725 | 2013 |
Gesture-speech mismatch and mechanisms of learning: What the hands reveal about a child′ s state of mind MW Alibali, S GoldinMeadow Cognitive psychology 25 (4), 468-523, 1993 | 703 | 1993 |
Differences in early gesture explain SES disparities in child vocabulary size at school entry ML Rowe, S Goldin-Meadow Science 323 (5916), 951-953, 2009 | 686 | 2009 |
Transitions in concept acquisition: using the hand to read the mind. S Goldin-Meadow, MW Alibali, RB Church Psychological review 100 (2), 279, 1993 | 686 | 1993 |
Gesture's role in speaking, learning, and creating language S Goldin-Meadow, MW Alibali Annual review of psychology 64 (1), 257-283, 2013 | 643 | 2013 |
Making children gesture brings out implicit knowledge and leads to learning. SC Broaders, SW Cook, Z Mitchell, S Goldin-Meadow Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 136 (4), 539, 2007 | 643 | 2007 |
Early gesture selectively predicts later language learning ML Rowe, S Goldin‐Meadow Developmental science 12 (1), 182-187, 2009 | 582 | 2009 |
Gestural communication in deaf children: The effects and noneffects of parental input on early language development S Goldin-Meadow, C Mylander, J de Villiers, E Bates, V Volterra Monographs of the society for research in child development, 1-151, 1984 | 581 | 1984 |
Gesture is at the cutting edge of early language development ª Özçalıºkan, S Goldin-Meadow Cognition 96 (3), B101-B113, 2005 | 568 | 2005 |
Spontaneous sign systems created by deaf children in two cultures S Goldin-Meadow, C Mylander Nature 391 (6664), 279-281, 1998 | 561 | 1998 |