Henintsoa Onivola Minoarivelo
Henintsoa Onivola Minoarivelo
Alliance Bioversity International & CIAT
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Citované v
Complexity and stability of ecological networks: a review of the theory
P Landi, HO Minoarivelo, Å Brännström, C Hui, U Dieckmann
Population Ecology 60, 319-345, 2018
Defining invasiveness and invasibility in ecological networks
C Hui, DM Richardson, P Landi, HO Minoarivelo, J Garnas, HE Roy
Biological Invasions 18, 971-983, 2016
Trait-mediated interaction leads to structural emergence in mutualistic networks
HO Minoarivelo, C Hui
Evolutionary ecology 30, 105-121, 2016
Invading a mutualistic network: to be or not to be similar
HO Minoarivelo, C Hui
Ecology and evolution 6 (14), 4981-4996, 2016
Detecting phylogenetic signal in mutualistic interaction networks using a Markov process model
HO Minoarivelo, C Hui, JS Terblanche, SL Kosakovsky Pond, K Scheffler
Oikos 123 (10), 1250-1260, 2014
Modelling coevolution in ecological networks with adaptive dynamics
C Hui, HO Minoarivelo, P Landi
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 41 (18), 8407-8422, 2018
Trait positions for elevated invasiveness in adaptive ecological networks
C Hui, DM Richardson, P Landi, HO Minoarivelo, HE Roy, G Latombe, ...
Biological Invasions 23, 1965-1985, 2021
Mechanistic reconciliation of community and invasion ecology
G Latombe, DM Richardson, MA McGeoch, R Altwegg, JA Catford, ...
Ecosphere 12 (2), e03359, 2021
Frugivory and seed dispersal: Extended bi-stable persistence and reduced clustering of plants
MMA Mohammed, P Landi, HO Minoarivelo, C Hui
Ecological Modelling 380, 31-39, 2018
Adaptive diversification in coevolutionary systems
C Hui, HO Minoarivelo, S Nuwagaba, A Ramanantoanina
Evolutionary biology: biodiversification from genotype to phenotype, 167-186, 2015
Ecological and evolutionary modelling
C Hui, P Landi, HO Minoarivelo, A Ramanantoanina
Springer International Publishing, 2018
Application of Markov Decision Processes to the Control of a Traffic Intersection
HO Minoarivelo
African Institute for Mathematical Sciences, 2009
Fine‐tuning the nested structure of pollination networks by adaptive interaction switching, biogeography and sampling effect in the Galápagos Islands
CA Nnakenyi, A Traveset, R Heleno, HO Minoarivelo, C Hui
Oikos 128 (10), 1413-1423, 2019
Alternative assembly processes from trait-mediated co-evolution in mutualistic communities
HO Minoarivelo, C Hui
Journal of Theoretical Biology 454, 146-153, 2018
Kosakovsky Pond SL, Scheffler K. 2014
HO Minoarivelo, C Hui, JS Terblanche
Detecting phylogenetic signal in mutualistic interaction networks using a …, 0
An introduction to phylogenetic analyses and modelling in ecology
HO Minoarivelo, G Diedericks, C Hui
Computational Ecology and Software 5, 328-339, 2015
Measuring the climate security nexus: the Integrated Climate Security Framework
G Pacillo, L Medina, T Liebig, B Carneiro, F Schapendonk, A Craparo, ...
PLOS Climate 3 (10), e0000280, 2024
What is the underlying structure of the climate, conflict, and socio-economic system in Mali? A network analysis
A Basel, H Onivola Minoarivelo, A Craparo, P Läderach, G Pacillo
Network Analysis: Climate Security Observatory
ACW Craparo, AM Basel, HO Minoarivelo
Methods Papers Series, 2023
Climate data, climate models and observational infrastructure
P Nying'uro, ACW Craparo, C Diji, F Driouech, C Lukorito, HO Minoarivelo, ...
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