patrick pomeroy
patrick pomeroy
research scientist, University of St Andrews
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Microsatellite variation in grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) shows evidence of genetic differentiation between two British breeding colonies
PJ Allen, W Amos, PP Pomeroy, SD Twiss
Molecular ecology 4 (6), 653-662, 1995
Consequences of maternal size for reproductive expenditure and pupping success of grey seals at North Rona, Scotland
PP Pomeroy, MA Fedak, P Rothery, S Anderson
Journal of Animal Ecology 68 (2), 235-253, 1999
Organochlorine levels in common seals (Phoca vitulina) which were victims and survivors of the 1988 phocine distemper epizootic
AJ Hall, RJ Law, DE Wells, J Harwood, HM Ross, S Kennedy, CR Allchin, ...
Science of the total environment 115 (1-2), 145-162, 1992
Where have all the fathers gone? An extensive microsatellite analysis of paternity in the grey seal (Halichoerus grypus)
J Worthington Wilmer, PJ Allen, PP Pomeroy, SD Twiss, W Amos
Molecular Ecology 8 (9), 1417-1429, 1999
Quantitative dynamics of PCB transfer from mother to pup during lactation in UK grey seals Halichoerus grypus
C Debier, PP Pomeroy, C Dupont, C Joiris, V Comblin, E Le Boulengé, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 247, 237-248, 2003
Philopatry, site fidelity and local kin associations within grey seal breeding colonies
PP Pomeroy, SD Twiss, P Redman
Ethology 106 (10), 899-919, 2000
Assessing use of and reaction to unmanned aerial systems in gray and harbor seals during breeding and molt in the UK
P Pomeroy, L O'connor, P Davies
Journal of Unmanned Vehicle Systems 3 (3), 102-113, 2015
Dispersion and site fidelity of breeding female grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) on North Rona, Scotland
PP Pomeroy, SS Anderson, SD Twiss, BJ McConnell
Journal of Zoology 233 (3), 429-447, 1994
Estimating metabolic heat loss in birds and mammals by combining infrared thermography with biophysical modelling
DJ McCafferty, C Gilbert, W Paterson, PP Pomeroy, D Thompson, ...
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative …, 2011
Male mating success and paternity in the grey seal, Halichoerus grypus: a study using DNA fingerprinting
WB Amos, S Twiss, PP Pomeroy, SS Anderson
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 1993
Evidence for mate fidelity in the gray seal
B Amos, S Twiss, P Pomeroy, S Anderson
Science 268 (5219), 1897-1899, 1995
Seals like it hot: Changes in surface temperature of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) from late pregnancy to moult
W Paterson, CE Sparling, D Thompson, PP Pomeroy, JI Currie, ...
Journal of Thermal Biology 37 (6), 454-461, 2012
Dispersion and site fidelity of breeding male grey seals (Halichoevus grypus) on North Rona, Scotland
SD Twiss, PP Pomeroy, SS Anderson
Journal of Zoology 233 (4), 683-693, 1994
The impact of climatic variation on the opportunity for sexual selection
SD Twiss, C Thomas, V Poland, JA Graves, P Pomeroy
Biology Letters 3 (1), 12-15, 2007
Patterns of parental relatedness and pup survival in the grey seal (Halichoerus grypus)
K Bean, W Amos, PP Pomeroy, SD Twiss, TN Coulson, IL Boyd
Molecular Ecology 13 (8), 2365-2370, 2004
Individually distinctive pup vocalizations fail to prevent allo-suckling in grey seals
S McCulloch, PP Pomeroy, PJB Slater
Canadian Journal of Zoology 77 (5), 716-723, 1999
Selective transfer of persistent organic pollutants and their metabolites in grey seals during lactation
MV Berghe, L Weijs, S Habran, K Das, C Bugli, JF Rees, P Pomeroy, ...
Environment International 46, 6-15, 2012
Expansion of a grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) breeding colony: changes in pupping site use at the Isle of May, Scotland
PP Pomeroy, SD Twiss, CD Duck
Journal of Zoology 250 (1), 1-12, 2000
Dynamics of PCB transfer from mother to pup during lactation in UK grey seals Halichoerus grypus: differences in PCB profile between compartments of transfer and changes during …
C Debier, PP Pomeroy, C Dupont, C Joiris, V Comblin, E Le Boulengé, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 247, 249-256, 2003
Validation of an enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA) for plasma oxytocin in a novel mammal species reveals potential errors induced by sampling procedure
KJ Robinson, N Hazon, M Lonergan, PP Pomeroy
Journal of neuroscience methods 226, 73-79, 2014
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Articles 1–20