Steven Van Tuyl
Steven Van Tuyl
Program Manager, Academic Data Science Alliance
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Cited by
Carbon storage and fluxes in ponderosa pine forests at different developmental stages
BE Law, PE Thornton, J Irvine, PM Anthoni, S Van Tuyl
Global Change Biology 7 (7), 755-777, 2001
Changes in carbon storage and fluxes in a chronosequence of ponderosa pine
BE Law, OJ Sun, J Campbell, S Van Tuyl, PE Thornton
Global change biology 9 (4), 510-524, 2003
Disturbance and climate effects on carbon stocks and fluxes across Western Oregon USA
BE Law, D Turner, J Campbell, OJ Sun, S Van Tuyl, WD Ritts, WB Cohen
Global Change Biology 10 (9), 1429-1444, 2004
Spatial and temporal variation in respiration in a young ponderosa pine forest during a summer drought
BE Law, FM Kelliher, DD Baldocchi, PM Anthoni, J Irvine, D Moore, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 110 (1), 27-43, 2001
Estimation of leaf area index in open-canopy ponderosa pine forests at different successional stages and management regimes in Oregon
BE Law, S Van Tuyl, A Cescatti, DD Baldocchi
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 108 (1), 1-14, 2001
Variability in net primary production and carbon storage in biomass across Oregon forests—an assessment integrating data from forest inventories, intensive sites, and remote …
S Van Tuyl, BE Law, DP Turner, AI Gitelman
Forest Ecology and Management 209 (3), 273-291, 2005
Seasonal differences in carbon and water vapor exchange in young and old-growth ponderosa pine ecosystems
PM Anthoni, MH Unsworth, BE Law, J Irvine, DD Baldocchi, S Van Tuyl, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 111 (3), 203-222, 2002
Forest leaf area density profiles from the quantitative fusion of radar and hyperspectral data
RN Treuhaft, GP Asner, BE Law, S Van Tuyl
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 107 (D21), ACL 7-1-ACL 7-13, 2002
Monitoring forest carbon sequestration with remote sensing and carbon cycle modeling
DP Turner, M Guzy, MA Lefsky, WD Ritts, S Van Tuyl, BE Law
Environmental management 33, 457-466, 2004
Carbon sequestration in the New Jersey pine barrens under different scenarios of fire management
RM Scheller, S Van Tuyl, KL Clark, J Hom, I La Puma
Ecosystems 14, 987-1004, 2011
Carbon fluxes across regions: Observational constraints at multiple scales
BE Law, D Turner, J Campbell, M Lefsky, M Guzy, O Sun, SV Tuyl, ...
Scaling and uncertainty analysis in ecology, 167-190, 2006
Simulation of forest change in the New Jersey Pine Barrens under current and pre-colonial conditions
RM Scheller, S Van Tuyl, K Clark, NG Hayden, J Hom, DJ Mladenoff
Forest Ecology and Management 255 (5-6), 1489-1500, 2008
Water, water, everywhere: defining and assessing data sharing in academia
S Van Tuyl, AL Whitmire
PLoS One 11 (2), e0147942, 2016
Divergent carbon dynamics under climate change in forests with diverse soils, tree species, and land use histories
RM Scheller, AM Kretchun, S Van Tuyl, KL Clark, MS Lucash, J Hom
Ecosphere 3 (11), 1-16, 2012
Effects of land use and fine-scale environmental heterogeneity on net ecosystem production over a temperate coniferous forest landscape
DP Turner, M Guzy, MA Lefsky, SV Tuyl, O Sun, C Daly, BE Law
Tellus B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology 55 (2), 657-668, 2003
Assessing research data management practices of faculty at Carnegie Mellon University
S Van Tuyl, G Michalek
Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication 3 (3), 2015
Decision support tools to improve the effectiveness of hazardous fuel reduction treatments in the New Jersey Pine Barrens
KL Clark, N Skowronski, J Hom, M Duveneck, Y Pan, S Van Tuyl, J Cole, ...
International journal of wildland fire 18 (3), 268-277, 2009
Simulation and sensitivity analysis of carbon storage and fluxes in the New Jersey Pinelands
Z Miao, RG Lathrop Jr, M Xu, IP La Puma, KL Clark, J Hom, N Skowronski, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software 26 (9), 1112-1122, 2011
Predicted effects of gypsy moth defoliation and climate change on forest carbon dynamics in the New Jersey Pine Barrens
AM Kretchun, RM Scheller, MS Lucash, KL Clark, J Hom, S Van Tuyl
PLoS One 9 (8), e102531, 2014
Peer Review of Research Data Submissions to ScholarsArchive@ OSU: How can we improve the curation of research datasets to enhance reusability?
C Llebot, S Van Tuyl
Journal of eScience Librarianship 8 (2), e1166, 2019
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Articles 1–20