Assistant Professor, Department of Software Engineering, Daffodil International University
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Cited by
Detection and classification of road damage using R-CNN and faster R-CNN: a deep learning approach
MS Arman, MM Hasan, F Sadia, AK Shakir, K Sarker, FA Himu
Cyber Security and Computer Science: Second EAI International Conference …, 2020
Web usability test in 60 seconds: a theoretical foundation and empirical test
I Mahmud, F Sadia, M Rahman, S Ahmed, D Islam
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 17 (1 …, 2020
Social crisis detection using Twitter based text mining-a machine learning approach
S Rahman, N Jahan, F Sadia, I Mahmud
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 12 (2), 1069-1077, 2023
A priority based dynamic resource mapping algorithm for load balancing in cloud
F Sadia, N Jahan, L Rawshan, MT Jeba, T Bhuiyan
2017 4th International Conference on Advances in Electrical Engineering …, 2017
Modelling consumer’s intention to use IoT devices: role of technophilia
N Jahan, MAH Shawon, F Sadia, DK Nitu, MEK Ribon, I Mahmud
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 23 (1 …, 2021
Automated testing: Testing top 10 OWASP vulnerabilities of government web applications in bangladesh
A Ahamed, N Sadman, TA Khan, MI Hannan, F Sadia, M Hasan
ICSEA 2022, 56, 2022
Impact of COVID-19 on the Factors Influencing on-Time Software Project Delivery: An Empirical Study.
M Islam, F Khan, M Hasan, F Sadia, M Hasan
ENASE, 554-561, 2023
A new scrum and CMMI level 2 compatible model for small software firms in order to enhance their software quality
S Saheel, LB Rahman, F Humaira, F Sadia, M Hasan
Proceedings of the 37th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, 1607-1610, 2022
Testing React Single Page Web Application using Automated Testing Tools.
MM Hasan, MA Rahman, MS Chowdhury, MH Rahman, KH Abdulle, ...
ENASE, 469-476, 2022
An Unified Testing Process Framework for Small and Medium Size Tech Enterprise with Incorporation of CMMI-SVC to Improve Maturity of Software Testing Process.
MT Hasan, SN Mahal, NMA Bakar, MM Hasan, N Islam, F Sadia, M Hasan
ENASE, 327-334, 2022
Usability and accessibility testing: a study on public sector and government websites of Bangladesh
MT Jeba, F Sadia, T Rahman, KMI Hossain, T Bhuiyan
Proceedings of ICETIT 2019: Emerging Trends in Information Technology, 666-674, 2020
An investigation on exhaustion of SAP ERP users: Influence of pace of change and technostress
PK Roy, I Mahmud, N Jahan, F Sadia
Annals of Emerging Technologies in Computing (AETiC), Print ISSN, 2516-0281, 2017
Enhancing Game Usability: A Framework for Small-to-Medium-Sized Game Development Businesses
SR Akthar, MR Islam, N Islam, F Sadia
Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB), 2023
A Novel model to adapt CMMI Level 2 by Assessing the Local SMEs of Bangladesh
F Oyshi, A Bonik, MOH Shin, J Rashid, M Akter, M Hasan, F Sadia
Procedia Computer Science 219, 2043-2050, 2023
Investigation the Influence of Marketing-mix Efforts on Brand Equity in the Bangladesh Software Industry.
MT Hasan, M Akter, SI Shuhrid, TA Khan, F Sadia, M Hasan
ICSBT, 152-159, 2022
A New Process Model of Incremental Asset Building for Software Project Management
F Sadia, M Hasan, N Nahar, M Rokonuzzaman
2021 IEEE/ACIS 19th International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2021
Dataset on the influence of software development agility on software firms' performance in Bangladesh
AKMZS Farzana Sadia, Imran Mahmud, Eva Dhar, Nusrat Jahan, Syeda Sumbul Hossain
Data in Brief, 2019
Develop a System to Analyze Logs of a Given System Using Machine Learning
MT Hasan, F Sadia, M Hasan, M Rokonuzzaman
Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel …, 2024
Strategies to Overcome Slow Growth in Software Firms: Project Diversity Perspective
SR Akthar, F Sadia, M Hasan
EasyChair, 2023
Optimizing B2B Relationships with Post-Covid Sales and Marketing Automation Through ERP Implementation: A Value-Driven Approach in Bangladesh.
SR Akthar, MS Khan, F Sadia, M Hasan
ICSBT, 209-215, 2023
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