Anita McGahan
Cited by
Cited by
How much does industry matter, really?
AM McGahan, ME Porter
Strategic management journal 18 (S1), 15-30, 1997
Innovation for inclusive growth: Towards a theoretical framework and a research agenda
G George, AM McGahan, J Prabhu
Journal of management studies 49 (4), 661-683, 2012
Business-model innovation: General purpose technologies and their implications for industry structure
A Gambardella, AM McGahan
Long range planning 43 (2-3), 262-271, 2010
The choice among acquisitions, alliances, and divestitures
B Villalonga, AM McGahan
Strategic management journal 26 (13), 1183-1208, 2005
Toward a theory of public entrepreneurship
PG Klein, JT Mahoney, AM McGahan, CN Pitelis
European management review 7 (1), 1-15, 2010
What do we know about variance in accounting profitability?
AM McGahan, ME Porter
Management Science 48 (7), 834-851, 2002
Perspective—The Interdependence of Private and Public Interests
JT Mahoney, AM McGahan, CN Pitelis
Organization science 20 (6), 1034-1052, 2009
The persistence of shocks to profitability
AM McGahan, ME Porter
Review of economics and statistics 81 (1), 143-153, 1999
How open system intermediaries address institutional failures: The case of business incubators in emerging-market countries
N Dutt, O Hawn, E Vidal, A Chatterji, A McGahan, W Mitchell
Academy of Management Journal 59 (3), 818-840, 2016
The performance of US corporations: 1981–1994
AM McGahan
The Journal of Industrial Economics 47 (4), 373-398, 1999
How industries change.
AM McGahan
Harvard business review 82 (10), 86-94, 156, 2004
Capabilities and strategic entrepreneurship in public organizations
PG Klein, JT Mahoney, AM McGahan, CN Pitelis
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 7 (1), 70-91, 2013
Profiting from technological innovation by others: The effect of competitor patenting on firm value
AM McGahan, BS Silverman
Research Policy 35 (8), 1222-1242, 2006
Purpose in the for-profit firm: A review and framework for management research
G George, MR Haas, AM McGahan, SJD Schillebeeckx, P Tracey
Journal of management 49 (6), 1841-1869, 2023
The emergence and sustainability of abnormal profits
AM McGahan, ME Porter
Strategic organization 1 (1), 79-108, 2003
Investments in pharmaceuticals before and after TRIPS
MK Kyle, AM McGahan
Review of Economics and Statistics 94 (4), 1157-1172, 2012
An interview with Michael porter
N Argyres, AM McGahan
Academy of Management Perspectives 16 (2), 43-52, 2002
An international comparative public health analysis of sex trafficking of women and girls in eight cities: achieving a more effective health sector response
W Macias Konstantopoulos, R Ahn, EJ Alpert, E Cafferty, A McGahan, ...
Journal of Urban Health 90, 1194-1204, 2013
Organizational governance adaptation: Who is in, who is out, and who gets what
PG Klein, JT Mahoney, AM McGahan, CN Pitelis
Academy of management review 44 (1), 6-27, 2019
How much does home country matter to corporate profitability?
AM McGahan, R Victer
Journal of International Business Studies 41, 142-165, 2010
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Articles 1–20