Akio Honda (本多明生)
Akio Honda (本多明生)
Shizuoka Institute of Science and Technology
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Transfer effects on sound localization performances from playing a virtual three-dimensional auditory game
A Honda, H Shibata, J Gyoba, K Saitou, Y Iwaya, Y Suzuki
Applied Acoustics 68 (8), 885-896, 2007
Eight personal characteristics associated with the power to live with disasters as indicated by survivors of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake disaster
M Sugiura, S Sato, R Nouchi, A Honda, T Abe, T Muramoto, F Imamura
PLoS one 10 (7), e0130349, 2015
Effects of head movement and proprioceptive feedback in training of sound localization
A Honda, H Shibata, S Hidaka, J Gyoba, Y Iwaya, Y Suzuki
i-Perception 4 (4), 253-264, 2013
Sex differences in object location memory: The female advantage of immediate detection of changes
A Honda, Y Nihei
Learning and Individual Differences 19 (2), 234-237, 2009
Survival-oriented personality factors are associated with various types of social support in an emergency disaster situation
M Sugiura, R Nouchi, A Honda, S Sato, T Abe, F Imamura
PLoS One 15 (2), e0228875, 2020
Psychological processes and personality factors for an appropriate tsunami evacuation
M Sugiura, S Sato, R Nouchi, A Honda, R Ishibashi, T Abe, T Muramoto, ...
Geosciences 9 (8), 326, 2019
Japanese university students' attitudes toward the Fukushima nuclear disaster
A Honda, J Wiwattanapantuwong, T Abe
Journal of Environmental Psychology 40, 147-156, 2014
A concise psychometric tool to measure personal characteristics for surviving natural disasters: Development of a 16-item power to live questionnaire
R Ishibashi, R Nouchi, A Honda, T Abe, M Sugiura
Geosciences 9 (9), 366, 2019
本多明生, 神田敬幸, 柴田寛, 浅井暢子, 寺本渉, 坂本修一, 岩谷幸雄, ...
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 18 (1), 93-101, 2013
Detection of sound image movement during horizontal head rotation
A Honda, K Ohba, Y Iwaya, Y Suzuki
i-Perception 7 (5), 2041669516669614, 2016
Self-help and mutual assistance in the aftermath of a tsunami: How individual factors contribute to resolving difficulties
M Sugiura, R Ishibashi, T Abe, R Nouchi, A Honda, S Sato, T Muramoto, ...
PLoS One 16 (10), e0258325, 2021
Body vibration effects on perceived reality with multi-modal contents
S Sakamoto, G Hasegawa, A Honda, Y Iwaya, Y Suzuki, J Gyoba
ITE Transactions on Media Technology and Applications 2 (1), 46-50, 2014
Dark, cold and hungry, but full of mutual trust: Manners among the 2011 great east Japan earthquake victims
A Tsuneyuki, W Juthatip, H Akio
Psychology in Russia: State of the art 7 (1), 4-13, 2014
Effects of listener's whole-body rotation and sound duration on horizontal sound localization accuracy
A Honda, S Tsunokake, Y Suzuki, S Sakamoto
Acoustical Science and Technology 39 (4), 305-307, 2018
Sense of presence and verisimilitude of audio–visual contents: Effects of sounds and playback speeds on sports video
A Honda, T Kanda, H Shibata, S Sakamoto, Y Iwaya, J Gyoba, Y Suzuki
Interdisciplinary Information Sciences 21 (2), 143-149, 2015
Perceived risks and crime prevention strategies of Japanese high school and university students
A Honda, T Yamanoha
Crime Prevention and Community Safety 12, 77-90, 2010
Sex differences in wayfinding behavior using well-or poorly-written route descriptions
Tohoku psychologica folia 63, 15-24, 2005
Personality Traits and Types of Housing Recovery after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami
A Honda, S Sato, M Sugiura, T Abe, F Imamura
Sustainability 15 (7), 5679, 2023
Does the eight-factor “power to live” in disaster exist since childhood?
Y Matsuzaki, R Ishibashi, M Yasuda, A Tanabe-Ishibashi, A Honda, T Abe, ...
Frontiers in public health 10, 1022939, 2022
Toward cognitive usage of binaural displays
Y Suzuki, A Honda, Y Iwaya, M Ohuchi, S Sakamoto
The Technology of Binaural Understanding, 665-695, 2020
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Articles 1–20