Jacques-Olivier Laloë
Jacques-Olivier Laloë
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Population viability at extreme sex-ratio skews produced by temperature-dependent sex determination
GC Hays, AD Mazaris, G Schofield, JO Laloë
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 284 (1848), 20162576, 2017
Effects of rising temperature on the viability of an important sea turtle rookery
JO Laloë, J Cozens, B Renom, A Taxonera, GC Hays
Nature Climate Change 4 (6), 513-518, 2014
Climate change and temperature‐linked hatchling mortality at a globally important sea turtle nesting site
JO Laloë, J Cozens, B Renom, A Taxonera, GC Hays
Global change biology 23 (11), 4922-4931, 2017
Sand temperatures for nesting sea turtles in the Caribbean: Implications for hatchling sex ratios in the face of climate change
JO Laloë, N Esteban, J Berkel, GC Hays
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 474, 92-99, 2015
A global review of green turtle diet: sea surface temperature as a potential driver of omnivory levels
N Esteban, JA Mortimer, HJ Stokes, JO Laloë, RKF Unsworth, GC Hays
Marine Biology 167 (12), 1-17, 2020
Implications of location accuracy and data volume for home range estimation and fine-scale movement analysis: comparing Argos and Fastloc-GPS tracking data
JA Thomson, L Börger, MJA Christianen, N Esteban, JO Laloë, GC Hays
Marine Biology 164 (10), 204, 2017
Male hatchling production in sea turtles from one of the world’s largest marine protected areas, the Chagos Archipelago
N Esteban, JO Laloë, JA Mortimer, AN Guzman, GC Hays
Scientific Reports 6, 20339, 2016
Optimism for mitigation of climate warming impacts for sea turtles through nest shading and relocation
N Esteban, JO Laloë, FSPL Kiggen, SM Ubels, LE Becking, EH Meesters, ...
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 17625, 2018
Green turtle diet is dominated by seagrass in the Western Indian Ocean except amongst gravid females
HJ Stokes, JA Mortimer, GC Hays, RKF Unsworth, JO Laloë, N Esteban
Marine Biology 166 (135), 2019
Extreme rainfall events and cooling of sea turtle clutches: Implications in the face of climate warming
JO Laloë, JN Tedeschi, DT Booth, I Bell, A Dunstan, RD Reina, GC Hays
Ecology and Evolution 11, 560-565, 2021
Conservation importance of previously undescribed abundance trends: increase in loggerhead turtle numbers nesting on an Atlantic island
JO Laloë, J Cozens, B Renom, A Taxonera, GC Hays
Oryx 54 (3), 315-322, 2019
Production of male hatchlings at a remote South Pacific green sea turtle rookery: conservation implications in a female‑dominated world
JO Laloë, J Monsinjon, C Gaspar, M Touron, Q Genet, J Stubbs, ...
Marine Biology 167 (70), 70, 2020
Why do Argos satellite tags stop relaying data?
GC Hays, JO Laloë, A Rattray, N Esteban
Ecology and Evolution, 2021
Changes in mean body size in an expanding population of a threatened species
GC Hays, A Taxonera, B Renom, K Fairweather, A Lopes, J Cozens, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 289 (1976), 20220696, 2022
Impact of marine heatwaves for sea turtle nest temperatures
GC Hays, WJ Chivers, JO Laloë, C Sheppard, N Esteban
Biology Letters 17, 2021
A mixed-model QTL analysis for salt tolerance in seedlings of crop-wild hybrids of lettuce
Z Wei, MM Julkowska, JO Laloë, Y Hartman, GJ de Boer, RW Michelmore, ...
Molecular Breeding 34 (3), 1389-1400, 2014
Evidence of adult male scarcity associated with female-skewed offspring sex ratios in sea turtles
GC Hays, JO Laloë, PLM Lee, G Schofield
Current Biology 33 (1), R14-R15, 2023
Synergistic use of UAV surveys, satellite tracking data, and mark‐recapture to estimate abundance of elusive species
HJ Stokes, JA Mortimer, JO Laloë, GC Hays, N Esteban
Ecosphere 14 (3), e4444, 2023
Can a present-day thermal niche be preserved in a warming climate by a shift in phenology? A case study with sea turtles
JO Laloë, GC Hays
Royal Society Open Science 10 (2), 221002, 2023
Reconstructing past thermal conditions in beach microclimates
JO Laloë, WJ Chivers, N Esteban, GC Hays
Global Change Biology 27 (24), 6592-6601, 2021
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Articles 1–20