Robert Kuether
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Cited by
Nonlinear normal modes, modal interactions and isolated resonance curves
RJ Kuether, L Renson, T Detroux, C Grappasonni, G Kerschen, MS Allen
Journal of Sound and Vibration 351, 299-310, 2015
Interface reduction for Hurty/Craig-Bampton substructured models: Review and improvements
D Krattiger, L Wu, M Zacharczuk, M Buck, RJ Kuether, MS Allen, P Tiso, ...
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 114, 579-603, 2019
Evaluation of geometrically nonlinear reduced-order models with nonlinear normal modes
RJ Kuether, BJ Deaner, JJ Hollkamp, MS Allen
AIAA Journal 53 (11), 3273-3285, 2015
A review of damping models for structures with mechanical joints
AT Mathis, NN Balaji, RJ Kuether, AR Brink, MRW Brake, DD Quinn
Applied Mechanics Reviews 72 (4), 040802, 2020
A numerical approach to directly compute nonlinear normal modes of geometrically nonlinear finite element models
RJ Kuether, MS Allen
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 46 (1), 1-15, 2014
Modal substructuring of geometrically nonlinear finite element models with interface reduction
RJ Kuether, MS Allen, JJ Hollkamp
AIAA Journal 55 (5), 1695-1706, 2017
Modal substructuring of geometrically nonlinear finite-element models
RJ Kuether, MS Allen, JJ Hollkamp
AIAA Journal 54 (2), 691-702, 2016
Observations of modal coupling due to bolted joints in an experimental benchmark structure
M Wall, MS Allen, RJ Kuether
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 162, 107968, 2022
Experimental characterization of a new benchmark structure for prediction of damping nonlinearity
A Singh, M Scapolan, Y Saito, MS Allen, D Roettgen, B Pacini, RJ Kuether
Nonlinear Dynamics, Volume 1: Proceedings of the 36th IMAC, A Conference and …, 2019
Evaluating convergence of reduced order models using nonlinear normal modes
RJ Kuether, MR Brake, MS Allen
Model Validation and Uncertainty Quantification, Volume 3: Proceedings of …, 2014
Nonlinear modal substructuring of systems with geometric nonlinearities
RJ Kuether, MS Allen
54th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials …, 2013
A numerical round robin for the prediction of the dynamics of jointed structures
J Gross, J Armand, RM Lacayo, P Reuß, L Salles, CW Schwingshackl, ...
Dynamics of Coupled Structures, Volume 4: Proceedings of the 34th IMAC, A …, 2016
Shaker-structure interaction modeling and analysis for nonlinear force appropriation testing
BR Pacini, RJ Kuether, DR Roettgen
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 162, 108000, 2022
Insights on the continuous representations of piecewise-smooth nonlinear systems: limits of applicability and effectiveness
BE Saunders, R Vasconcellos, RJ Kuether, A Abdelkefi
Nonlinear Dynamics 107 (2), 1479-1494, 2022
A comparison of reduced order modeling techniques used in dynamic substructuring
DR Roettgen, B Seeger, WC Tai, S Baek, T Dossogne, MS Allen, ...
The Mechanics of Jointed Structures: Recent Research and Open Challenges for …, 2018
Craig-Bampton substructuring for geometrically nonlinear subcomponents
RJ Kuether, MS Allen
Dynamics of Coupled Structures, Volume 1: Proceedings of the 32nd IMAC, A …, 2014
A numerical continuation method to compute nonlinear normal modes using modal reduction
M Allen, R Kuether, B Deaner, M Sracic
53rd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials …, 2012
Instantaneous frequency and damping from transient ring-down data
RJ Kuether, MRW Brake
Dynamics of Coupled Structures, Volume 4: Proceedings of the 34th IMAC, A …, 2016
Relationships between nonlinear normal modes and response to random inputs
JD Schoneman, MS Allen, RJ Kuether
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 84, 184-199, 2017
Computing nonlinear normal modes using numerical continuation and force appropriation
RJ Kuether, MS Allen
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and …, 2012
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Articles 1–20