Ruscena Wiederholt
Ruscena Wiederholt
Triple Pundit
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Quasi-extinction risk and population targets for the Eastern, migratory population of monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus)
BX Semmens, DJ Semmens, WE Thogmartin, R Wiederholt, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 23265, 2016
Monarch butterfly population decline in North America: identifying the threatening processes
WE Thogmartin, R Wiederholt, K Oberhauser, RG Drum, JE Diffendorfer, ...
Royal Society open science 4 (9), 170760, 2017
Restoring monarch butterfly habitat in the Midwestern US:‘all hands on deck’
WE Thogmartin, L López-Hoffman, J Rohweder, J Diffendorfer, R Drum, ...
Environmental Research Letters 12 (7), 074005, 2017
A trans‐national monarch butterfly population model and implications for regional conservation priorities
K Oberhauser, R Wiederholt, JE Diffendorfer, D Semmens, L Ries, ...
Ecological Entomology 42 (1), 51-60, 2017
Conservation relevance of bat caves for biodiversity and ecosystem services
RA Medellin, R Wiederholt, L Lopez-Hoffman
Biological conservation 211, 45-50, 2017
Conservation opportunities across the world's anthromes
LJ Martin, JE Quinn, EC Ellis, MR Shaw, MA Dorning, LM Hallett, ...
Diversity and Distributions 20 (7), 745-755, 2014
National valuation of monarch butterflies indicates an untapped potential for incentive‐based conservation
JE Diffendorfer, JB Loomis, L Ries, K Oberhauser, L Lopez‐Hoffman, ...
Conservation Letters 7 (3), 253-262, 2014
Scaling up the diversity–resilience relationship with trait databases and remote sensing data: the recovery of productivity after wildfire
MJ Spasojevic, CA Bahlai, BA Bradley, BJ Butterfield, MN Tuanmu, ...
Global Change Biology 22 (4), 1421-1432, 2016
Tropical warming and the dynamics of endangered primates
R Wiederholt, E Post
Biology Letters 6 (2), 257-260, 2010
Market forces and technological substitutes cause fluctuations in the value of bat pest-control services for cotton
L López-Hoffman, R Wiederholt, C Sansone, KJ Bagstad, P Cryan, ...
PLoS One 9 (2), e87912, 2014
Quantifying ecosystem service flows at multiple scales across the range of a long-distance migratory species
DJ Semmens, JE Diffendorfer, KJ Bagstad, R Wiederholt, K Oberhauser, ...
Ecosystem Services 31, 255-264, 2018
Moving across the border: modeling migratory bat populations
R Wiederholt, L López-Hoffman, J Cline, RA Medellín, P Cryan, A Russell, ...
Ecosphere 4 (9), 1-16, 2013
Density estimates of monarch butterflies overwintering in central Mexico
WE Thogmartin, JE Diffendorfer, L López-Hoffman, K Oberhauser, ...
PeerJ 5, e3221, 2017
Ecosystem service flows from a migratory species: Spatial subsidies of the northern pintail
KJ Bagstad, DJ Semmens, JE Diffendorfer, BJ Mattsson, J Dubovsky, ...
Ambio 48, 61-73, 2019
Tourism values for Mexican free-tailed bat viewing
KJ Bagstad, R Wiederholt
Human Dimensions of Wildlife 18 (4), 307-311, 2013
Multi-country willingness to pay for transborder migratory species conservation: A case study of northern pintails
MA Haefele, JB Loomis, AM Lien, JA Dubovsky, RW Merideth, KJ Bagstad, ...
Ecological Economics 157, 321-331, 2019
Operationalizing the telecoupling framework for migratory species using the spatial subsidies approach to examine ecosystem services provided by Mexican free-tailed bats
L López-Hoffman, J Diffendorfer, R Wiederholt, KJ Bagstad, ...
Ecology and Society 22 (4), 2017
Birth seasonality and offspring production in threatened neotropical primates related to climate
R Wiederholt, E Post
Global Change Biology 17 (10), 3035-3045, 2011
Willingness to pay for conservation of transborder migratory species: A case study of the Mexican free-tailed bat in the United States and Mexico
MA Haefele, JB Loomis, R Merideth, A Lien, DJ Semmens, J Dubovsky, ...
Environmental management 62, 229-240, 2018
A general modeling framework for describing spatially structured population dynamics
C Sample, JM Fryxell, JA Bieri, P Federico, JE Earl, R Wiederholt, ...
Ecology and Evolution 8 (1), 493-508, 2018
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