Mark Jones
Mark Jones
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Cited by
Iterative plan construction for the workflow satisfiability problem
D Cohen, J Crampton, A Gagarin, G Gutin, M Jones
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 51, 555-577, 2014
Simultaneously Satisfying Linear Equations Over : MaxLin2 and Max--Lin2 Parameterized Above Average
R Crowston, M Fellows, G Gutin, M Jones, F Rosamond, S Thomassé, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1104.1135, 2011
Distinguishing level-1 phylogenetic networks on the basis of data generated by Markov processes
E Gross, L van Iersel, R Janssen, M Jones, C Long, Y Murakami
Journal of Mathematical Biology 83, 1-24, 2021
Exploring the tiers of rooted phylogenetic network space using tail moves
R Janssen, M Jones, PL Erdős, L Van Iersel, C Scornavacca
Bulletin of mathematical biology 80, 2177-2208, 2018
Max-cut parameterized above the Edwards-Erdős bound
R Crowston, M Jones, M Mnich
Algorithmica 72 (3), 734-757, 2015
On the workflow satisfiability problem with class-independent constraints for hierarchical organizations
J Crampton, A Gagarin, G Gutin, M Jones, M Wahlström
ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security (TOPS) 19 (3), 1-29, 2016
Systems of Linear Equations over and Problems Parameterized above Average
R Crowston, G Gutin, M Jones, EJ Kim, IZ Ruzsa
Algorithm Theory-SWAT 2010: 12th Scandinavian Symposium and Workshops on …, 2010
Algorithms for the workflow satisfiability problem engineered for counting constraints
D Cohen, J Crampton, A Gagarin, G Gutin, M Jones
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 32 (1), 3-24, 2016
The mixed Chinese postman problem parameterized by pathwidth and treedepth
G Gutin, M Jones, M Wahlström
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 30 (4), 2177-2205, 2016
Max-cut parameterized above the Edwards-Erdős bound
R Crowston, M Jones, M Mnich
International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming, 242-253, 2012
A practical fixed-parameter algorithm for constructing tree-child networks from multiple binary trees
L van Iersel, R Janssen, M Jones, Y Murakami, N Zeh
Algorithmica 84 (4), 917-960, 2022
Rearrangement moves on rooted phylogenetic networks
P Gambette, L Van Iersel, M Jones, M Lafond, F Pardi, C Scornavacca
PLoS computational biology 13 (8), e1005611, 2017
Maximum balanced subgraph problem parameterized above lower bound
R Crowston, G Gutin, M Jones, G Muciaccia
Theoretical Computer Science 513, 53-64, 2013
Parameterized complexity of directed steiner tree on sparse graphs
M Jones, D Lokshtanov, MS Ramanujan, S Saurabh, O Suchý
Algorithms–ESA 2013: 21st Annual European Symposium, Sophia Antipolis …, 2013
Treewidth of display graphs: bounds, brambles and applications
R Janssen, M Jones, S Kelk, G Stamoulis, T Wu
arXiv preprint arXiv:1809.00907, 2018
Chinese postman problem on edge-colored multigraphs
G Gutin, M Jones, B Sheng, M Wahlström, A Yeo
Discrete Applied Mathematics 217, 196-202, 2017
Orchard networks are trees with additional horizontal arcs
L van Iersel, R Janssen, M Jones, Y Murakami
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 84 (8), 76, 2022
Structural parameterizations of the mixed chinese postman problem
G Gutin, M Jones, M Wahlström
Algorithms-ESA 2015: 23rd Annual European Symposium, Patras, Greece …, 2015
A unifying characterization of tree-based networks and orchard networks using cherry covers
L van Iersel, R Janssen, M Jones, Y Murakami, N Zeh
Advances in Applied Mathematics 129, 102222, 2021
Reconstructing tree-child networks from reticulate-edge-deleted subnetworks
Y Murakami, L van Iersel, R Janssen, M Jones, V Moulton
Bulletin of mathematical biology 81, 3823-3863, 2019
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Articles 1–20