Domhnall Jennings
Cited by
Cited by
David's score: a more appropriate dominance ranking method than Clutton-Brock et al.'s index
MP Gammell, H De Vries, DJ Jennings, CM Carlin, TJ Hayden
Animal behaviour 66 (3), 601-605, 2003
Guidelines for the treatment of animals in behavioural research and teaching
K Buchanan, T Burt de Perera, C Carere, T Carter, A Hailey, R Hubrecht, ...
Deakin University, 2012
Effect of body weight, antler length, resource value and experience on fight duration and intensity in fallow deer
DJ Jennings, MP Gammell, CM Carlin, TJ Hayden
Animal Behaviour 68 (1), 213-221, 2004
Analysis of animal contest data
M Briffa, ICW Hardy, MP Gammell, DJ Jennings, DD Clarke, M Goubault
Animal contests 379, 2013
A detailed analysis of the early context extinction deficits seen in APPswe/PS1dE9 female mice and their relevance to preclinical Alzheimer's disease
C Bonardi, F de Pulford, D Jennings, MC Pardon
Behavioural brain research 222 (1), 89-97, 2011
An investigation of assessment games during fallow deer fights
DJ Jennings, MP Gammell, RJH Payne, TJ Hayden
Ethology 111 (5), 511-525, 2005
A winner effect supports third-party intervention behaviour during fallow deer, Dama dama, fights
DJ Jennings, CM Carlin, MP Gammell
Animal Behaviour 77 (2), 343-348, 2009
Is the parallel walk between competing male fallow deer, Dama dama, a lateral display of individual quality?
DJ Jennings, MP Gammell, CM Carlin, TJ Hayden
Animal Behaviour 65 (5), 1005-1012, 2003
Does Lateral Presentation of the Palmate Antlers During Fights by Fallow Deer (Dama dama L.) Signify Dominance or Submission?
DJ Jennings, MP Gammell, CM Carlin, TJ Hayden
Ethology 108 (5), 389-401, 2002
Is Difference in Body Weight, Antler Length, Age or Dominance Rank related to the Number of Fights between Fallow Deer (Dama dama)?
DJ Jennings, MP Gammell, CM Carlin, TJ Hayden
Ethology 112 (3), 258-269, 2006
Investment in fighting in relation to body condition, age and dominance rank in the male fallow deer, Dama dama
DJ Jennings, CM Carlin, TJ Hayden, MP Gammell
Animal Behaviour 79 (6), 1293-1300, 2010
Interval duration effects on blocking in appetitive conditioning
D Jennings, K Kirkpatrick
Behavioural Processes 71 (2-3), 318-329, 2006
Personality and predictability in fallow deer fighting behaviour: the relationship with mating success
DJ Jennings, TJ Hayden, MP Gammell
Animal Behaviour 86 (5), 1041-1047, 2013
Is controllability of imagery related to canoe-slalom performance?
T MacIntyre, A Moran, DJ Jennings
Perceptual and motor skills 94 (3_suppl), 1245-1250, 2002
Third-party intervention behaviour during fallow deer fights: the role of dominance, age, fighting and body size
DJ Jennings, CM Carlin, TJ Hayden, MP Gammell
Animal Behaviour 81 (6), 1217-1222, 2011
Can existing associative principles explain occasion setting? Some old ideas and some new data
C Bonardi, J Robinson, D Jennings
Behavioural processes 137, 5-18, 2017
Right-sided bias in fallow deer terminating parallel walks: evidence for lateralization during a lateral display
DJ Jennings
Animal Behaviour 83 (6), 1427-1432, 2012
Overshadowing and stimulus duration.
DJ Jennings, C Bonardi, K Kirkpatrick
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 33 (4), 464, 2007
Dorsal hippocampal involvement in conditioned-response timing and maintenance of temporal information in the absence of the CS
SKE Tam, DJ Jennings, C Bonardi
Experimental Brain Research 227, 547-559, 2013
Contest behaviour in ungulates
DJ Jennings, MP Gammell
Animal contests 210, 304-320, 2013
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Articles 1–20