Hsiao-Hang Tao
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Cited by
Effects of soil management practices on soil fauna feeding activity in an Indonesian oil palm plantation
HH Tao, EM Slade, KJ Willis, JP Caliman, JL Snaddon
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 218, 133-140, 2016
Application of oil palm empty fruit bunch effects on soil biota and functions: A case study in Sumatra, Indonesia
HH Tao, JL Snaddon, EM Slade, L Henneron, JP Caliman, KJ Willis
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 256, 105-113, 2018
Variations in yield gaps of smallholder cocoa systems and the main determining factors along a climate gradient in Ghana
I Abdulai, MP Hoffmann, L Jassogne, R Asare, S Graefe, HH Tao, ...
Agricultural Systems 181, 102812, 2020
Managing oil palm plantations more sustainably: large-scale experiments within the Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function in Tropical Agriculture (BEFTA) Programme
SH Luke, AD Advento, AAK Aryawan, DN Adhy, A Ashton-Butt, H Barclay, ...
Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 2, 75, 2020
Long-term crop residue application maintains oil palm yield and temporal stability of production
HH Tao, JL Snaddon, EM Slade, JP Caliman, RH Widodo, Suhardi, ...
Agronomy for Sustainable Development 37, 1-8, 2017
Feeding the palm: a review of oil palm nutrition
TT Tiemann, CR Donough, YL Lim, R Härdter, R Norton, HH Tao, ...
Advances in agronomy 152, 149-243, 2018
Co-producing a research agenda for sustainable palm oil
R Padfield, S Hansen, ZG Davies, A Ehrensperger, EM Slade, S Evers, ...
Frontiers in forests and global change 2, 13, 2019
Fertilizer management effects on oil palm yield and nutrient use efficiency on sandy soils with limited water supply in Central Kalimantan
HH Tao, C Donough, J Gerendas, MP Hoffmann, A Cahyo, H Sugianto, ...
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 112, 317-333, 2018
Effects of best management practices on dry matter production and fruit production efficiency of oil palm
HH Tao, C Donough, MP Hoffmann, YL Lim, S Hendra, G Abdurrohim, ...
European Journal of Agronomy 90, 209-215, 2017
Importance of prey size on investigating prey availability of larval fishes
YH Huang, HH Tao, GC Gong, C Hsieh
Plos one 16 (5), e0251344, 2021
Habitat characteristics of the wintering common teal in the Huajiang wetland, Taiwan
CB Hsu, GW Hwang, JF Lu, CP Chen, HH Tao, HL Hsieh
Wetlands 34, 1207-1218, 2014
Age‐specific habitat preference, carrying capacity, and landscape structure determine the response of population spatial variability to fishing‐driven age truncation
HH Tao, G Dur, PJ Ke, S Souissi, C Hsieh
Ecology and Evolution 11 (11), 6358-6370, 2021
Effects of empty fruit bunch (EFB) application on soil fauna feeding activity in oil palm plantations
HH Tao, JL Snaddon, EM Slade, R Wahyu, JP Caliman, KJ Willis
Sustainable Management of Soil in Oil Palm Plantings, 35, 2015
Exploring mechanisms of spatial segregation between body size groups within fish populations under environmental change
HH Tao, CW Chang, C Hsieh
Ecography, e06730, 2023
Seasonal variation of euphausiid life stage and taxonomic composition near the upwelling site northeast of Taiwan
YA Chen, FH Chang, HH Tao, C Hsieh
Continental Shelf Research 269, 105135, 2023
Crop residue management in oil palm plantations: soil quality, soil biota and ecosystem functions
HH Tao
University of Oxford, 2017
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Articles 1–16