Evangelos Tsotsas
Evangelos Tsotsas
Professor of Chemical Engineering, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
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Thermal conductivity of packed beds: a review
E Tsotsas, H Martin
Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification 22 (1), 19-37, 1987
Wärmeübertragung in Festbetten, durchmischten Schüttgütern und Wirbelschichten
EU Schlünder, E Tsotsas
Thieme, 1988
Microencapsulation of walnut oil by spray drying: Effects of wall material and drying conditions on physicochemical properties of microcapsules
S Shamaei, SS Seiiedlou, M Aghbashlo, E Tsotsas, A Kharaghani
Innovative food science & emerging technologies 39, 101-112, 2017
A simple and coherent set of coefficients for modelling of heat and mass transport with and without chemical reaction in tubes filled with spheres
M Winterberg, E Tsotsas, A Krischke, D Vortmeyer
Chemical Engineering Science 55 (5), 967-979, 2000
Methods for processing experimental drying kinetics data
IC Kemp, BC Fyhr, S Laurent, MA Roques, CE Groenewold, E Tsotsas, ...
Drying technology 19 (1), 15-34, 2001
Modern drying technology, volume 3: product quality and formulation
E Tsotsas, AS Mujumdar
John Wiley & Sons, 2011
Heat transfer in packed beds with fluid flow: remarks on the meaning and the calculation of a heat transfer coefficient at the wall
E Tsotsas, EU Schlünder
Chemical Engineering Science 45 (4), 819-837, 1990
Mixing of particles in rotary drums: A comparison of discrete element simulations with experimental results and penetration models for thermal processes
M Kwapinska, G Saage, E Tsotsas
Powder Technology 161 (1), 69-78, 2006
Impact of tube-to-particle-diameter ratio on pressure drop in packed beds
M Winterberg, E Tsotsas
American Institute of Chemical Engineers. AIChE Journal 46 (5), 1084, 2000
Experimental investigation and modelling of continuous fluidized bed drying under steady-state and dynamic conditions
J Burgschweiger, E Tsotsas
Chemical Engineering Science 57 (24), 5021-5038, 2002
Microwave-and ultrasound-assisted convective drying of raspberries: Drying kinetics and microstructural changes
J Szadziñska, J £echtañska, R Pashminehazar, A Kharaghani, E Tsotsas
Drying Technology 37 (1), 1-12, 2019
Drying Kinetics and Microstructural and SensoryProperties of Black Chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa) as Affected by Drying Method
Á Calín-Sánchez, A Kharaghani, K Lech, A Figiel, ...
Food and Bioprocess Technology 8, 63-74, 2015
On axial dispersion in packed beds with fluid flow: über die axiale dispersion in durchströmten festbetten
E Tsotsas, EU Schlünder
Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification 24 (1), 15-31, 1988
Influence of pore size distribution on drying kinetics: A simple capillary model
T Metzger, E Tsotsas
Drying Technology 23 (9-11), 1797-1809, 2005
Kinetics of fluidized bed spray agglomeration for compact and porous particles
K Terrazas-Velarde, M Peglow, E Tsotsas
Chemical Engineering Science 66 (9), 1866-1878, 2011
Consideration of heat transfer in pore network modelling of convective drying
VK Surasani, T Metzger, E Tsotsas
International journal of heat and mass transfer 51 (9-10), 2506-2518, 2008
Influence of pore structure on drying kinetics: A pore network study
T Metzger, A Irawan, E Tsotsas
AIChE journal 53 (12), 3029-3041, 2007
Catalytic membrane reactors for partial oxidation using perovskite hollow fiber membranes and for partial hydrogenation using a catalytic membrane contactor
J Caro, KJ Caspary, C Hamel, B Hoting, P Kölsch, B Langanke, ...
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 46 (8), 2286-2294, 2007
Stochastic simulation of agglomerate formation in fluidized bed spray drying: A micro-scale approach
K Terrazas-Velarde, M Peglow, E Tsotsas
Chemical Engineering Science 64 (11), 2631-2643, 2009
Continuous versus discrete modelling of heat transfer to agitated beds
M Kwapinska, G Saage, E Tsotsas
Powder technology 181 (3), 331-342, 2008
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Articles 1–20