Hyunsoo Noh
Hyunsoo Noh
Pima Association of Governments
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Transit stop-level origin–destination estimation through use of transit schedule and automated data collection system
N Nassir, A Khani, SG Lee, H Noh, M Hickman
Transportation research record 2263 (1), 140-150, 2011
Integrated land use–transport model system with dynamic time-dependent activity–travel microsimulation
RM Pendyala, KC Konduri, YC Chiu, M Hickman, H Noh, P Waddell, ...
Transportation Research Record 2303 (1), 19-27, 2012
Trip-based path algorithms using the transit network hierarchy
A Khani, M Hickman, H Noh
Networks and Spatial Economics 15, 635-653, 2015
Approach to modeling demand and supply for a short-notice evacuation
H Noh, YC Chiu, H Zheng, M Hickman, P Mirchandani
Transportation Research Record 2091 (1), 91-99, 2009
Intermodal path algorithm for time-dependent auto network and scheduled transit service
A Khani, S Lee, M Hickman, H Noh, N Nassir
Transportation Research Record 2284 (1), 40-46, 2012
Hyperpaths in network based on transit schedules
H Noh, M Hickman, A Khani
Transportation research record 2284 (1), 29-39, 2012
Algorithm for intermodal optimal multidestination tour with dynamic travel times
N Nassir, A Khani, M Hickman, H Noh
Transportation research record 2283 (1), 57-66, 2012
Network-level turning movement counts estimation using traffic controller event-based data
P Xu, X Li, YJ Wu, H Noh
Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 27 (5), 677-691, 2023
Modeling transit and intermodal tours in a dynamic multimodal network
A Khani, B Bustillos, H Noh, YC Chiu, M Hickman
Transportation Research Record 2467 (1), 21-29, 2014
A revenue allocation model for the integrated urban rail system in the Seoul metropolitan
SI Shin, HS Noh, CS Cho
Journal of Korean Society of Transportation 23 (5), 157-167, 2005
Capacitated schedule-based transit assignment using a capacity penalty cost
H Noh
The University of Arizona, 2013
Hyperpaths in a transit schedule-based network
H Noh, M Hickman, A Khani
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board …, 2012
Transit mobility measures on the seoul multimodal network
HS Noh, TW Doh, WK Kim, CS Cho, SI Shin
Journal of Korean Society of Transportation 23 (8), 7-17, 2005
Algorithm for intermodal optimal multidestination tour with dynamic travel times
N Nassir, A Khani, M Hickman, H Noh
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board …, 0
Development of strategic regional employment data assessment using Google places API
H Noh, E Kramer, A Sun
Transportation Research Record 2673 (11), 254-263, 2019
Network-sensitive transport modeling framework for evaluating impacts of network disruptions on traveler choices under varying levels of user information provision
KC Konduri, RM Pendyala, D You, YC Chiu, MD Hickman, H Noh, ...
Transportation Research Board 92nd Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2013
Logit-based congested transit assignment using hyperpaths on a scheduled transit network
H Noh, M Hickman, A Khani
4th International Symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment, Martha’s Vineyard …, 2012
Technical report on SHRP 2 C10B version of DynusT and FAST-TrIPs
YC Chiu, A Khani, H Noh, B Bustillos, M Hickman
SHRP 2 Report, 2013
Data Verification Methodology to Facilitate Employment Database Updates for Transportation Planning
E Kramer, H Noh, X Li
Transportation Research Record 2676 (5), 560-570, 2022
Development of a Regional Network Performance Measurement Model for Planning Application Based on High-Frequency GPS Data
H Noh, A Sun, X Hu, A Rehan
Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting, 2017
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Articles 1–20