Mark Brown
Citované v
Citované v
Dark, bitter-tasting nectar functions as a filter of flower visitors in a bird-pollinated plant
SD Johnson, AL Hargreaves, M Brown
Ecology 87 (11), 2709-2716, 2006
Frequent bird movements across a highly fragmented landscape: the role of species traits and forest matrix
EL Neuschulz, M Brown, N Farwig
Animal Conservation 16 (2), 170-179, 2013
Diet of the crowned eagle (Stephanoaetus coronatus) in an urban landscape: potential for human-wildlife conflict?
SC McPherson, M Brown, CT Downs
Urban ecosystems 19, 383-396, 2016
Anthropogenic debris in the nests of kelp gulls in South Africa
M Witteveen, M Brown, PG Ryan
Marine Pollution Bulletin 114 (2), 699-704, 2017
Transfer of pollinaria on birds’ feet: a new pollination system in orchids
SD Johnson, M Brown
Plant Systematics and Evolution 244, 181-188, 2004
Nocturnal heterothermy and torpor in the malachite sunbird (Nectarinia famosa)
CT Downs, M Brown
The Auk, 251-260, 2002
Plastic pollution in paradise: Daily accumulation rates of marine litter on Cousine Island, Seychelles
SW Dunlop, BJ Dunlop, M Brown
Marine Pollution Bulletin 151, 110803, 2020
The role of shading behaviour in the thermoregulation of breeding crowned plovers (Vanellus coronatus)
M Brown, CT Downs
Journal of Thermal Biology 28 (1), 51-58, 2003
Seasonal variation in the metabolism-temperature relation of house sparrows (Passer domesticus) in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
SN Nzama, CT Downs, M Brown
Journal of Thermal Biology 35 (2), 100-104, 2010
Physiological variation in Amethyst Sunbirds (Chalcomitra amethystina) over an altitudinal gradient in winter
CV Lindsay, CT Downs, M Brown
Journal of Experimental Biology 212 (4), 483-493, 2009
Seasonal effects on thermoregulatory responses of the Rock Kestrel, Falco rupicolis
NG Bush, M Brown, CT Downs
Journal of Thermal Biology 33 (7), 404-412, 2008
Crowned eagle nest sites in an urban landscape: Requirements of a large eagle in the Durban Metropolitan Open Space System
SC McPherson, M Brown, CT Downs
Landscape and Urban Planning 146, 43-50, 2016
Pollination of the red hot poker Kniphofia caulescens by short-billed opportunistic avian nectarivores
M Brown, CT Downs, SD Johnson
South African Journal of Botany 75 (4), 707-712, 2009
Clinal variation in the morph ratio of Black Sparrowhawks Accipiter melanoleucus in South Africa and its correlation with environmental variables
A Amar, A Koeslag, G Malan, M Brown, E Wreford
Ibis 156 (3), 627-638, 2014
Sugar preferences and digestive efficiency in an opportunistic avian nectarivore, the Dark-capped Bulbul Pycnonotus tricolor
M Brown, CT Downs, SD Johnson
Journal of Ornithology 151, 637-643, 2010
Physiological variation in Amethyst Sunbirds (Chalcomitra amethystina) over an altitudinal gradient in summer
C Lindsay, C Downs, M Brown
Journal of Thermal Biology 34 (4), 190-199, 2009
Concentration-dependent sugar preferences of the Malachite Sunbird (Nectarinia famosa)
M Brown, CT Downs, SD Johnson
The Auk 127 (1), 151-155, 2010
Sugar preferences of nectar feeding birds–a comparison of experimental techniques
M Brown, CT Downs, SD Johnson
Journal of Avian Biology 39 (5), 479-483, 2008
Sugar preferences of a generalist nonpasserine flower visitor, the African speckled mousebird (Colius striatus)
M Brown, CT Downs, SD Johnson
The Auk 127 (4), 781-786, 2010
Sugar preferences and digestive efficiency of the village weaver: a generalist avian pollinator of African plants
TC Odendaal, M Brown, CT Downs, SD Johnson
Journal of Experimental Biology 213 (14), 2531-2535, 2010
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