Lisa Deutsch
Lisa Deutsch
Senior Lecturer, Stockholm Resilience Centre; Inst Latin American Studies, Stockholm University
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The trajectory of the Anthropocene: the great acceleration
W Steffen, W Broadgate, L Deutsch, O Gaffney, C Ludwig
The anthropocene review 2 (1), 81-98, 2015
The Anthropocene: From global change to planetary stewardship
W Steffen, Å Persson, L Deutsch, J Zalasiewicz, M Williams, K Richardson, ...
Ambio 40, 739-761, 2011
A framework for the practical application of the concepts of critical natural capital and strong sustainability
P Ekins, S Simon, L Deutsch, C Folke, R De Groot
Ecological economics 44 (2-3), 165-185, 2003
Feeding aquaculture growth through globalization: Exploitation of marine ecosystems for fishmeal
L Deutsch, S Gräslund, C Folke, M Troell, M Huitric, N Kautsky, L Lebel
Global Environmental Change 17 (2), 238-249, 2007
Rewiring food systems to enhance human health and biosphere stewardship
LJ Gordon, V Bignet, B Crona, PJG Henriksson, T Van Holt, M Jonell, ...
Environmental Research Letters 12 (10), 100201, 2017
Planetary stewardship in an urbanizing world: Beyond city limits
SP Seitzinger, U Svedin, CL Crumley, W Steffen, SA Abdullah, C Alfsen, ...
Ambio 41, 787-794, 2012
The trajectory of the anthropocene: The great acceleration. The Anthropocene Review, 2 (1), 81–98
W Steffen, W Broadgate, L Deutsch, O Gaffney, C Ludwig
DOI: https://doi. org/10.1177/2053019614564785, 2015
The critical natural capital of ecosystem performance as insurance for human well-being
L Deutsch, C Folke, K Skånberg
Ecological Economics 44 (2-3), 205-217, 2003
Masked, diluted and drowned out: how global seafood trade weakens signals from marine ecosystems
BI Crona, TM Daw, W Swartz, AV Norström, M Nyström, M Thyresson, ...
Fish and Fisheries 17 (4), 1175-1182, 2016
Shocks to fish production: Identification, trends, and consequences
JA Gephart, L Deutsch, ML Pace, M Troell, DA Seekell
Global Environmental Change 42, 24-32, 2017
The seafood gap in the food-water nexus literature—issues surrounding freshwater use in seafood production chains
JA Gephart, M Troell, PJG Henriksson, MCM Beveridge, M Verdegem, ...
Advances in Water Resources 110, 505-514, 2017
The risks and benefits of genetically modified crops: a multidisciplinary perspective
G Peterson, S Cunningham, L Deutsch, J Erickson, A Quinlan, ...
Conservation Ecology 4 (1), 2000
The trajectory of the Anthropocene: The Great Acceleration, The Anthropocene Review, 2, 81–98
W Steffen, W Broadgate, L Deutsch, O Gaffney, C Ludwig
How spatial scale shapes the generation and management of multiple ecosystem services
R Lindborg, LJ Gordon, R Malinga, J Bengtsson, G Peterson, ...
Ecosphere 8 (4), e01741, 2017
Feeding capitals: Urban food security and self-provisioning in Canberra, Copenhagen and Tokyo
JR Porter, R Dyball, D Dumaresq, L Deutsch, H Matsuda
Global food security 3 (1), 1-7, 2014
The trajectory of the anthropocene: The great acceleration. Anthr. Rev. 2, 81–98
W Steffen, W Broadgate, L Deutsch, O Gaffney, C Ludwig
Water-mediated ecological consequences of intensification and expansion of livestock production
L Deutsch, M Falkenmark, L Gordon, J Rockström, C Folke, H Steinfeld, ...
Livestock in a Changing Landscape. Volume 1. Drivers, Consequences and …, 2010
Reframing the local–global food systems debate through a resilience lens
A Wood, C Queiroz, L Deutsch, B González-Mon, M Jonell, L Pereira, ...
Nature Food 4 (1), 22-29, 2023
A consensus-based simulation model for management in the Patagonia coastal zone
M van den Belt, L Deutsch, Å Jansson
Ecological Modelling 110 (1), 79-103, 1998
Ecosystem subsidies to Swedish food consumption from 1962 to 1994
L Deutsch, C Folke
Ecosystems 8, 512-528, 2005
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